Sweetie Belle snorted. "Whatever. We didn't do this to get YOUR approval, and we're not about to let you get to us now." She smiled as she looked over at her friends. "We're Cutie Mark Crusaders no longer! From this point onward, we are…"
Suddenly, all three of the Chaos-marked fillies jumped into the air and shouted at once. "CHAOS MARK CHAMPIONS!!"
Diamond and Silver stepped back in surprise at the shout, and they raised their eyebrows at the title.
After a brief, awkward silence, Scootaloo spoke. "This way we can still use our old clubhouse stationary."
"I'm a little less interested in the acronym and more interested in the 'Chaos mark' thing," Silver Spoon noted.
"Yeah, that reminds me: what are your special talents, again?" Diamond Tiara asked, her eyes tracking over to the symbol on Scootaloo. "Those cutie marks don't exactly speak for themselves, and knowing you three, I wouldn't put it past you to just paint something on your rumps and hope nopony would ask questions."
The contemptuous grins she got from the trio were quite annoying, and Diamond Tiara had to admit that if they were lying about their new marks, they were doing an excellent job of it.
"Mah special talent is bein' immune to disease and pain," Apple Bloom said smugly, "Ah'm practically immortal!"
Sweetie Belle frowned. "I thought you weren't immune to disease, just its symptoms."
"Whatever. What's the difference?" the young earth pony waved a hoof at the unicorn. "You go next."
Sweetie Belle let the disagreement go and then grinned at the pair of fillies who had tormented her and her friends for so long. "My special talent is Chaos magic and secret knowledge!"
Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow. "So you can finally use magic now? Well, how about that? Next thing you know the pegasus will actually be able to hover."
Both Sweetie and Scootaloo looked rather annoyed at this.
"Well… it's 'Chaos' magic specifically," Sweetie Belle admitted.
"Which means what, exactly?" Silver Spoon asked.
"She can't levitate things yet, but she IS good at wreakin' havoc and breakin' things," Apple Bloom clarified.
"Your parents must be SO proud," Diamond scoffed, rolling her eyes.
Scootaloo stood up on her hind legs and pressed a hoof into her chest proudly before she answered. "And as for me, my special talent is supernatural fury!"
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had to take several seconds to digest that before the latter asked, "Your special talent is getting angry?"
In the blink of an eye Scootaloo was nose-to-nose with Silver Spoon, and the gray filly recoiled as Scootaloo glared at her.
"Yeah, it is! So what? Wanna make something of it?!" the pegasus growled, her wings flared and one hoof cocked back.
"N-No! I was just asking! Calm down!" Silver stuttered nervously.