There was a story that went with this too!
In an assignment to deliver a precious vase (which surprisingly made the trip) Poor Ditzy Doo got caught in an unscheduled, out of control storm in the late fall. Having been nearby Canterlot, she desperately searched in the rain for any sort of beacon signifying potential shelter. By the time she-with a stroke of luck- found the Balcony to Celestia's private quarters, a feverish cold was already setting in.
Thankfully the Sun Princess found it very difficult to sleep when a pony was desperately knocking on the window, and when she saw the sorry state of the pony, she immediately took her inside and tucked her in her bed, lit a fire, fetched for her sister, and when she grabbed an ice pack to cut down the fever, asked her a few questions…
"What's your name?"
"D-Ditzy Doo, your highness."
"How are you feeling?"
"A little better, maybe."
"So what were you doing out there?"
"…Maybe catching a cold?"
"Ah, so what were you doing in the first place to end up like this?"
"Delivery to Fillydelphia, your highness… It was a vase, I made it work out, but that storm just popped out of nowhere… I'm not sure what went wrong."
"I see… Anypony who might be missing you by now?"
"Oh yeah, Dinky Doo… My little muffin's worried sick by now."
"And where does Dinky Doo live?"
"Ponyville, your highness."
After asking Princess Luna to look into the dreams of Dinky Doo and assure the pony and all associated with her that her mother was alright and would be returning home when she was well, Celestia insisted that the mailmare get some rest, but only after engaging in some friendly conversation with her unexpected, yet quite welcome guest.