So I decided I'd just free the beast, make my ultimate offering to the oc god, and basically try to capture my entire gallery in one single pic by cramming as many ocs as I could into one single picture (You know how I feel about cramming things into smaller places ;P). I didn't have the time or room to fit them all, of course, so I basically picked and chose the ones I wanted in there most of all, all for varying reasons of course.
Also too, if you don't mind me getting a bit sappy here, I've had shitloads of fun drawing here, and it's all thanks to each and every one of you. Everyone who's taken the time to comment, drop a vote my way, shoot the shit with me in pms, chill out with me in IRC, shared my art to places like e621 or 4Chan, and even all of you who just browse in silence. Each and every one of you is what makes this fun and rewarding, and I wish I had the mental composure to type out every single one of your names. Rest assured too, I read every comment even if I don't respond; I'm just not so good at writing and often have no clue what to say (sometimes I'm so desperate to make it known I appreciated what they said I only reply with ":D"). Again, thank each and every one of you so much :D
Also, special shout out to the guys who own and run the site. Thanks for putting up with me, thanks for giving me a can to dump my pics into, and you thought you could stop me from getting another badge but I just won me some Chaotic Little Trees :P
Also, special shout-out to Kraus who's off saving the world. Miss you man D:
Finally, hey you from the I-75. Yeah, you with Grissom High School honor student bumper sticker in the beater Cavalier. Yeah, I'm talking to you. The hell are you doing cutting off a hauling semi-truck going at those speeds? You think I can stop in time? You think anything other than my rig eating your Cavalier would ensue had I run into you? I blasted my horn at you for a reason. Use your head, man :P