My life is so successful I've got everything a mare could ever need…
Got a 1000 bitcoin haircut And I even have a cruise show overseas….
And I know I should be happy, but instead There's a question I can't get out of my head…
What's the meaning of Ponehenge? It's killing me that nopony knows Why it was built 5000 years ago!
Why did they build the Ponehenge? How could they raise the stones so high _Completely without the technologie We have todai??_
When I make my chimmy changas Full of cherries and cilly-lantro I'm the quueeennn!
My wife applauds me in the kitchen When I tell her all I bought is frooommmm the local store
And when the fillies have gone to bed, we're all alone She gives me a smile Then she plays with my dolls
All I think of is Ponehenge I think about it when I dream The biggest henge that I have ever seen
What's the purpose of Ponehenge? A giant granite birthday cake Or a prison far too easy to escape?
Ponehenge! Ponehenge! Lots of ponies in a row! They were 25 tons each stone, my friend But amazingly they got them all down in the sand And they moved it (Ponehenge!) And they dragged it (Ponehenge!) And they rolled it 46 horse lengths from Baleeees! — Heeey (46 horse lengths from Bales!)
What's the deal with Ponehenge? (Oh, what's the deal, what's the deal, what's the deal) You should have left a tiny hint When you made this bucking labyrinth, for Pooonniess! (Who the… ) Who the buck builds a Ponehenge? (buck builds a Ponehenge?)
Two Pony Mage-colts wondering what to do Who just said: "Dude, let's build a henge or two!"
I would give anything to know About the Ponehenge Yeah, I would give all I have to give Would you give them your wings? (Mmm) Are you kidding me, of course I would have given the wings__ What wings do you fly? Flew a princess, flew a princess! Flew a princess! Its wings you can trust! Never mind the wings, let's talk about the henge What henge is that again? It's the Ponehenge, it's the Ponehenge! God, it is the greatest henge of all!