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+ sunburst10461Tag changes
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Detailed description:
As with Moondancer and Night Glider, this tag is shared between a G1 pony and their G4 counterpart. As such, the tag can be used to refer either to the G1 Mountain Boy Pony or the G4 unicorn who appears as a colt in Starlight Glimmer's flashback in the Season 5 finale and as a adult from the Season 6 premiere onwards.
The G4 background pegasus previously fan-named Sunburst has been renamed Warm Front and instances of his appearances should be tagged as such.
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flashburst, sundancer, sunbetes, twiburst, somburst, startrixburst, shiningburst, sourburst, sunffron, soarburst, thoraxburst, sundence, starburst, sunspark, trixburst, flurryburst, appleburst, lunaburst, suncest, emburst, sunstone (g4 r63 sunburst), partyburst, braeburst, gleamburst, trixgleamstone, busty sunstone, zecoburst, discoburst, shiningburstdance, shimmerburst, sunplate, chrysunburst, macburst, terraburst, fluttermacburst, flutterburst, older sunburst, pinkieburst, spikeburst, blueburst, bloodburst, styburst, docburst, sungleam, zephyrmacburst, zephyrburst, glitterburst, sunbar, thunderburst, flarestone, sunvalley, maudburst, sunny siblings
Detailed description:
As with Moondancer and Night Glider, this tag is shared between a G1 pony and their G4 counterpart. As such, the tag can be used to refer either to the G1 Mountain Boy Pony or the G4 unicorn who appears as a colt in Starlight Glimmer's flashback in the Season 5 finale and as a adult from the Season 6 premiere onwards.
The G4 background pegasus previously fan-named Sunburst has been renamed Warm Front and instances of his appearances should be tagged as such.