Wanted to try draw the designs for Tika's nightmare versions or just what forms her individual personalities would consider ideal
This is Happy, her always insanely grinning side. I also began calling her Hunger or Hungry in my mind, because it's more what she represents than actual happiness. Insanity and constant hunger
Build like a starved hound and with a mouth able to open enough to split her head open, with a twirling tongue tasting the air for prey. She'll attack anyone she encounters, that be friend or enemy. To her the world is all but food and she only wish to feast upon it.
She is the one in charge when depression or stubbornness makes Tika try starve herself when in captivity. Happy will eat to try satisfy a never ending hunger. She is a mindless beast and actually a later addition to Tika's mental disorder. O.P. and Angry were the original parts of her mind, both there from her birth. Happy first appeared after Tika feasted on Irken flesh for the first time, to survive her own starvation.
Da daaaam!
Finally got around to draw this design idea I have been working on in my head over a while now, thanks to the RP with ~scwartzwald
Still not sure if I got her proportions to look right, the boney, starved look isn't that easy to draw. It's also rather hard to draw that mouth of hers :P But it's still my best attempt yet