
nihilagis said:
WC should be less timid and more proactive! If he wants something, he must say it loud and clear! C'mon Hornbutt, right now, what would you like to do? No stammering!

You roll a 19 (required 9). Success!

You tell Windcaller to speak up if he wants to do something.

Windcaller: "A-ah, um… a cold shower would be nice!"

You ask him if he's sure that that's what he wants, and remind him that he has two loving friends right here.

Moonflower: "Yuh uh! If ya want, we can be best friends instead. It's super fun! And super relaxing."

Windcaller: "T-there's no doubt about that, I just… well… I've never been this close to anypony before, and… well, it's… intimidating."

Moonflower: "That's okay! I was kinda nervous at first, too, but then we tried a bunch of stuff, and it felt really good! And then we had lots'a cuddles."

Windcaller: "I, uh… Well, when you put it that way, it… doesn't sound so bad."

Moonflower: "Ooh! Does that mean you wanna try?"

Windcaller: "N-now? I mean… we… we still have all night, don't we?"

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