yoshimon1 said:
Wincaller has a point. It isn't even 6pm. Gotta start the sleepover slowly and gradually raise the fun levels, keep the best things for later. You never start a meal with the dessert! (Well, you could, but…) And who knows? Maybe we can even manage to make him loosen up a bit more over the course of the evening.
You agree to save the best for last, and say that it doesn't mean you can't have fun until then.
Moonflower: "Ooh, that's true!"
After putting away the dishes, you climb upstairs to the bedroom. Moonflower brings the mare's poison onto the nightstand, then she hops onto the bed.
Moonflower: "Oh yeah, you brought a flute thingy! Wanna play somethin' for us?"
Windcaller: "O-of course."
Moonflower bounces excitedly as Windcaller takes his flute, and sits on the bed to play. After a moment of hesitation, a peaceful melody joins the pitter-patter of the rain on the windowpane.
You feel relaxed.
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