just a dump of Twilight and Sunburst with their first daughter, Astrid Comet ;)
1. As expected of these two, they were extremely prepared when it came to Twilight's pregnancy. It was all planned to a T, all down to the hospital Twilight would go to in every major providence of Equestria, just in case. Around this time, Twilight's hair grew new highlights, probably a reaction from her alicorn status.
2. Unfortunately, when Astrid was born, things didn't go as smoothly. Astrid cried. A lot. A lot more than any baby should. When she's tired? she cries. When she's bored? She cries. Too much sun on her? Cry. Wants to be held? Cry. Doesn't want to be held? Cry. Waking up? Gotta cry out her little heart all day long. This put quite a strain on the new parents, who struggled to keep their baby happy.
3. Baby Astrid. When she wasn't crying, she was quite precious. When not crying. Which she did. A lot.
4-6 A tiny comic about Astrid and her dad. Twilight was overexhausted, so Sunburst decided to take over Astrid duties so his wife could get some rest for at least a couple of hours. How hard could it be? Just keep little Astrid occupied. Unfortunately, she was very occupied by his beard. And wasn't keen on anything else.
Twi woke up a couple of hours later to her daughter chewing on her husbands beard. She apologized for hours afterward.
7. Eventually the time came for Astrid Comet to be introduced to Equestria as the heir to the Princess of Friendship, and, somehow, Astrid was content. She didn't let out a peep. Of course, this didn't stop Sunburst and Twilight's hearts from skipping a beat whenever she yawned, but somehow, she was content. And Twilight, after taking a long shower after days of making sure her daughter was happy, was shocked to see even more changes to her mane. Just another sign of alicorn-hood.
I'd like to do more of these, but I'd also like to not spend more than a day on the sketches. We'll see.