
I decided that I was gonna re-work on ALL the designs I came up with for my Main Next-Gen in regards to the parents.
Now it's time to look at the new designs for the spouses of the main 8!
Say hello to Mr. Bookworm Wizard!

Changes: — Decided to go with the design they gave him in the final episode. (idk why but i love that beard XD)
— Changed his mane to look more like his Crystal empire mane due to him living there for so long it
started to stay that way.
— He wears his wedding ring on his horn.

General Info:
Name- Sunburst
Title/ Occupation- Royal Wizard for the Crystal Empire
Age- 48
Gender- Male
Sexual orientation- Straight
Relationship Status- Married
Spouse- Starlight Glimmer

Eventide Prominence — Daughter (owned by Shidosponies )
Danica — Daughter
Zoran — Son
Lavender Sparkle — Daughter (owned by FlowerDreamShy )

Other Family-
Stellar Flare- Mother
Sunspot- Father
Sunset Shimmer- Sister
Fire Streak- Brother-in-law
Dawn — Niece
Akira — Nephew
Firelight- Father-in-law
???- Mother-in-law
Flurry Heart- (since he was her crystaler I figure they have a godparent relationship.)


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