Artist's comment:
  Eri, darling, you looked in that mirror last evening. Nothing new has appeared over night.
  How do you know?
  …Good point, little scientist. So?
  Did… I always have this… leg?
  Nothing Grump
  …Oh, what's that?
  Where?! O_o
  Right… here, on your belly.
  Daaad! Stop! It tickles! :squee:
  And here! And over there too!
  Hehehe! :D (Big Grin)
  Sweeter every morning. Nod
Yeah, it's a girl thing. Shrug
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  Eri, darling, you looked in that mirror last evening. Nothing new has appeared over night.
  How do you know?
  …Good point, little scientist. So?
  Did… I always have this… leg?
  Nothing Grump
  …Oh, what's that?
  Where?! O_o
  Right… here, on your belly.
  Daaad! Stop! It tickles! :squee:
  And here! And over there too!
  Hehehe! :D (Big Grin)
  Sweeter every morning. Nod
Yeah, it's a girl thing. Shrug
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