Today's all about the stallions and colts, as well as dragons, Griffons, Yak bulls, and other male creatures of the realm. And for this year's tribute here are Spike, Big Macintosh, Discord, Shining Armor, Sunburst, the male Young Six, Quibble Pants, Cheese Sandwich, and many well-known male characters. And just to let you all know I use the term "stallion" loosely for the non-pony characters. :D (Big Grin)
Although I couldn't include EVERY male character into this pic, I'm really glad I got to include these in particular.
Thorax by…
Rutherford by :iconparcly-taxel:
Button Mash and Capper Dapperpaws by :icondashiesparkle:
Doctor Whooves and Soarin by :iconchainchomp2:
Flash Sentry by :iconcloudyglow:
Snips and Snails by :iconzutheskunk:
Everypony else by me
I hope you all love this, especially you guys. Heart And have a Happy International Men's Day everybody!!! :D (Big Grin) I'll see if I can post a journal tribute in honor of Men's Day.