PonerPics Community Collab: Medieval/Fantays Ponies

Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
I couldn't help myself with the background, I think it might be borderline too crazy, I drew Ash Lake from dark souls. TruthOrMare asked me to wait for him to finish his so I can wait a bit. if duckgoblin can post it around then I think he may make it. I'm not sure how long I should wait. I don't want to wait for some and not others if they're close to done
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
Truth said it would take maybe a bit over a day. I Know it's pushing the deadline quite a bit but I really want ponyfrens to participate next collab too kek so I'm trying to give as many a chance to enter as possible

and I'd feel really bad if I left anyone out
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
hm yeah it's aids..
nah ofc it's not aids. I love it! that's the mane 6 right? I approve of completely. Good work cutehorseprions and thanks for doing it :)
MODS give us this badge for participating

now another question. should we create a thread for planning the next group event? or just talk about it here until there's a thread for that
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
give us the badge
or revolt will happen
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