Ponerpics Community Collaboration 2024

Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Based Retard
Reminder: If I'm not aware of anymore pending submissions by the end of this month, then I'll end the collab.

@Background Pony #0ECE
The rest of that very same line specifies that beginner art is allowed.
Low effort and high quality are not the same thing.

I thought you left?
Background Pony #0ECE
Reminder: If I'm not aware of anymore pending submissions by the end of this month, then I'll end the collab.

You mean end the deadline earlier or cancel the whole project?
Medieval Community Collab -
Auti.. Artist -
2023 Collab -

Shy enjoyer
@Background Pony #0ECE
Low effort is definitely a person to person thing. Not everyone is going to be able to pump out batsy level art, and usually people that do "good" art like that arnt judged when they do alot of lower effort art Than what they could do.
That rule is more about someone intentionally making bad art for the collab compared to what they normally do
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Based Retard
REMINDER: There is only one week left until the deadline.
I have spoken to one anon who said that he is unable to make the current deadline. We decided that if it was only him who is unable to make it, then the collab will continue as normal but if anyone else tells me that they also can't make it, then I'll extend the deadline (again, lol). Although, I am considering extending the deadline to the end of November regardless, to maximize the available time. Don't forget to PM me if you plan to make a submission and you're not sure if you'll make it in time.
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Based Retard
@Background Pony #5B90
What this guy said.

@Background Pony #4841
There's a semi-common practice around here, particularly among the drawfags that used the old /bale/ Aggie, to create an OC based on one of the anonymous pony avatars from this site. So, if you want, you could create a new OC using that avatar you have there or find another one somewhere on here that you like more.
Medieval Community Collab -
2023 Collab -

Drangleic Inhabitant
well turns out the other altboorus are worse. twibooru is just fillyfoolers. ponybooru barely loads and had to debate letting AI into their collab (they don't now but apparently did last year). need I even describe derpi?

It seems I am really stuck with you retards. I will reapply my submission and if you would wait for Captain Conundrum I would be happier at the state of things
2023 Collab -

Site Assistant
horse, just finished in time but hey it's generally at the last minute people are doing it~

would be great to advertise it as much as possible!

fren! uwu

Thanks, also update: he's okay, still need to exercise more and relearn to use his left leg, so having to do gym and stuff, it's not of his age I know but there's progress!
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