Some altboorus have a badge giveaway. can we make badges too?


Site Administrator
I don’t think vector is a strict requirement, but when a badge is uploaded to the system, it must be in .svg form, so we’ve been converting proposals to .svg form.
Early Adopter - The Winds of Friendship blow strongly here

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I have converted my proposals to vector manually:
These should be superior to automatically converted versions, and much, much smaller.
Also, since the yellow brush blends with poner's default style, I added a red-and-black version of the artist badge for your consideration.
Early Adopter - The Winds of Friendship blow strongly here

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I'd like to note that automatic conversions to svg are of enormous size.
It would be prudent to make vector format a hard requirement.
That is mainly why I vectorized mine them by hand.

@Soft Lava
I urge you to do the same, your 20px Aryanne head badge weighs 65kb right now.

wants to die
if we're still doing suggestions, maybe a drawthread badge would be cool for people who semi-regularly deliver requests that aren't shitposts
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