NSFW Tumblr Links = Dead Links?


Early Adopter
So, Tumblr's basically dead as far as smut goes. Last I checked, the procedure to access a specific post from an NSFW blog was this:
* You had to log in to an account
* Actively be following a blog
* Open the blog up in a little side bar
* Manually scroll back from the blog's most recent post to however far back your desired NSFW links are

Just clicking an NSFW link, even if you're logged in, just brings up a page that says "This blog may contain sensitive media", and the only button right under it is for going to your dashboard. You can't just go to a specific blog link. Permalinks are basically dead, it seems.

I think that Tumblr links basically count as inaccessible sources. It might be possible to access this with external tools. I was able to find the source post for >>1396514 by doing a web search and coming across some kind of external viewing site that let me see the post.

I made a post on >>1396514 that I think has enough information on it.

What I'm hoping to find is whether there's already some sort of standardized way to "fix" the tumblr post links, or a standardized way to transfer things like megaupload links. If the main source given is a tumblr link that has all the information for a video, but the download link only has the video itself and not the cover art for the video, then what's the right format to use? I'm not sure.

Here's the post I made on that image, for reference.

As NSFW Tumblrs are basically inaccessible, here's what I've been able to put together:

Original link was https://batyastudio.tumblr.com/post/156088337917/movie-1-mlp-xxx-sex-is-magic-celestia-amused

As NSFW Tumblrs are basically inaccessible, I searched for a download link and found this: https://www.tumbex.com/batyastudio.tumblr/post/156088337917
That link has the cover art for the video, a page of screenshots, and links to the patreon, places to find the video online, and a megaupload download link.

Megaupload link copied from the tumbex thing listed above: [link]
I don't know if the megaupload link will work for others, or if it was created just for my session, so I recommend you check the tumbex link instead.

The video is 179mb in the .rar file you get from Megaupload, and decompresses to a 183mb mp4 file that's 2:31 long.

Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/BatyaStudio

Bideo is 3 years old, so it come out some time in 2018.

Naughty Machinima link: http://www.naughtymachinima.com/video/22218/mlp-xxx-sex-is-magic
The PornHub link was flagged for "verification in accordance with our trust and safety policy".


DisCodeR — Chief
DominotheCat — Animator
Skykliker — Poser
Audiodude — Sound
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