[Userscript] My Scripts


One Man Illuminati
Below is a list of my userscripts ported over for Ponerpics. For more information, you could follow the link to the forum thread on Derpibooru or the Github page. Otherwise you can click the direct install link if you are already familiar with them.

Custom Shortcuts
Forum thread

Derpibooru Comment Enhancements
Forum thread

WebM Enhancements
Forum thread

Image Preloader
Forum thread

Legacy Image Layout
Forum thread

Derpibooru User Blocker
Github page


Q: Where are all the script settings?
A: Most of my scripts make use of the Derpi4U library to provide a consistant UI experience. If you have any of those scripts installed, you will find a new "Userscript" tab in the site's settings page.
Do note that, same with other settings, any changes you make have to be confirmed by clicking the "Save My Settings" button at the bottom of the page.

Early Adopter
For less technical users, think of scripts like browser extensions, but for websites.

You need a "script manager" like TamperMonkey, Violentmonkey, or Greasemonkey to manage these scripts. Think of it like an add-on that allows you yo use these website extensions.

No, I don't know why all these script managers are themed around monkeys. The best guess I can make is that it's a play on the joke of calling programmers "code monkeys".

One Man Illuminati
No, I don't know why all these script managers are themed around monkeys.

My guess is because the first userscript manager was Greasemonkey and it sets the de facto standards and conventions for subsequent userscript managers to follow. More or less, there's a bit of a schism after the move to GM4, and which is why none of my scripts supports it.
Background Pony #B6DB
While it's not listed here, is there any reason why the derpibooru image importer allows importing images from other boorus to twibooru and ponybooru, but not ponerpics?

One Man Illuminati
@Background Pony #B6DB
The script appropriates the site's native image scraper's input field for the UI, and Ponerpics currently has that feature temporarily disabled and I'm too lazy to write code to handle the special case.
Syntax quick reference: *bold* _italic_ [spoiler]hide text[/spoiler] @code@ +underline+ -strike- ^sup^ ~sub~