[Userscript] Namize Background Ponies!


One Man Illuminati
Namize Background Ponies! No to boring hex values!

You're tired from boring hex-fingerprints? You want funny pony names instead of Background Pony #F0FA? You want colors? No probrem!

This script replaces hex anon fingerprint with pony names. For example, "Background Pony #4BEF" will become "Dim Times (Background Pony)". Easy, funny, and not confusing numbers.

Note: This script was originally created by VcSaJen, ported to Ponybooru with his permission and maintained by me.
Link to the original thread on Derpibooru

Requires Violentmonkey
Click here to install from Github

Background Pony #76B6
Would you consider implementing this on the base site?

Names are first and foremost identifiers. If someone says

Not to say Background Pony #4BEF is wrong, but BGP BEF didn't consider that it's not a warcrime because catgirls aren't technically human so don't have human rights
then among the many questions you may have, may be "Who's BGP 4BEF?" if you're using the script.

And even if some search identifier replaces linked names, you still get
Not to say Dim Times (Background Pony) is wrong, but BGP BEF…
Or alternatively, other users see:
Not to say Dim Times (Background Pony) is wrong, but Dim didn't consider that it's not a warcrime because catgirls aren't technically human so don't have human rights

All of which are issues with userscripts.

I mean, there's not really a good reason to use names like "Background Pony #4BEF" if you have other unique identifiers like 1,000 pony names, is there?

I happen to have a pony name list mod for Stellaris so have some-odd hundreds (maybe even a thousand+???) MLP names I can provide if number of unique identifiers is an issue.

One Man Illuminati
@Background Pony #0779
Would you consider implementing this on the base site?

I'm not affiliated with the running of this site, just a random user, and I'm clueless around anything that's not javascript lol. Although I understand the original author of this script submitted a pull request to Ponybooru's fork implementing this feature.

Addressing the issue of compatibility between people using this script and people not: when you are quoting or replying to another user using the built-in buttons, their original, unaltered name is used.

Also, plugging my own stuff: Comment Enhancements makes it easier to trace the post somebody is replying to
Background Pony #F2A0
Screenshot appears to be a broken link again.

Will this script installed from this link also work with the other boorus that use the Philomena software?
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