"What's up?" Joyride asks, not moving her nose away from Emerald's hand.
Ruby looks up from her game and does a double take, seemingly seeing the same thing that Emerald does and let's out a cry of, "What the…?"
Ruby joins Emerald in poking of Joyride, and after a few seconds she says, "Okay, quit it. Jeez. You found me out. Color me surprised, I thought an illusion like this would trick you guys."
Emerald asks if there is anyway she can teach him to do that.
"Sure, though a tangible illusion is pretty difficult magic. Anyway since the jig is up, stay down here until I come and get you, alright?"
"But I want to see them fire the cannons!" Ruby says angrily.
"Tough." Joyride says simply, and then pointing down at the game of Battle Galleons says, "Your turn, Ruby."
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