Emerald looks down it and sees inky blackness. He drops a rock, and it makes a sound like hitting water.
Emerald lowers the bucket down into the well, and slowly drags it back up.
Hoisting the bucket onto the lip of the well he examines it.
It doesn't look dirty or otherwise tampered with. It doesn't smell funny either. Emerald gingerly takes a sip, and it tastes fine. Still, the whole place seems off so he only takes a few small mouthfuls. If it's really okay he can always come back.
Next Emerald tackles the outpost. Emerald steps onto the ladder going up, and though it creaks, it seems solid enough. He climbs to the top. He peers out of all sides of it, but all he can see is forest and to the east the water.
Emerald takes a better look of the outpost. There are some rotting pieces of furniture here, as well as some papers that are so weather-worn that the pony can no longer read them.
Emerald wonders if maybe he can set a fire to send up smoke. Maybe that would attract some attention. Hopefully only the good kind though.
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