"Yes, but your intentions aren't pure. It's a vendetta. That kind of thing tarnishes your soul. And what would you sacrifice to get your step-parents? Or perhaps I should say, who?" Pip says, crossing her arms and looking down at Emerald.
Emerald, unsure of what to say next asks how she even knows all this about him.
"Joyride told me." She responds with a wide smile at Joyride, who smiles back.
Emerald asks, perhaps a bit meaner than he meant to, If having corruption makes a soul less tasty to demons, does that mean they don't want her soul? Is that why she can live so long?
"Well a corrupt soul is better than no soul at all." Pip says with a shrug, "And I don't know anything about why Joyride can live so long. Why don't you ask her."
The colt turns to Joyride, who gives him a grin that tells him she won't do any sort of thing. Emerald rolls his eyes, and changing the subject asks if demons can change appearances.
"Yup! I can be whatever! I kinda like the pony form, but I could be something else! Changing form is pretty easy for demons as strong as me." Pip says haughtily.
Inventory & Spells — http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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