The third and final (for now) party member of the Ponyfinder game with my friends. My buddy’s character, Pious Praiser. A unicorn following the goddess Princess Twilight Sparkle Luminace with an obsession for noting down everything he comes across to ensure no knowledge shall be lost to the future generations. He sacrifices to his deity by writing friendship rapports and leave them on her alters and shrines.
He’s the one stallion in the group in a matriarch society, acting quite submissive and fearful around mares. More confident when talking to stallions. A tiny, fluffy egghead.
But don’t you ever admit to follow any “false alicorns” such as Kara. Then he shall turn into a fluffy ball of fury and terror. He became the bad cop during interrogation, leaving our grumpy Inkvisitor be the good cop, because the changelings doppelgangers we had caught dared to praise their goddess Kara.
An effective way to interrogate people. Keep punching them to zero HP and occasionally use Heal WITH YOUR PUNCHES to keep them from passing out. Our Inkvisitor was rather impressed.
Why a alicorn amulet (I know the design is off) as a cutiemark? It simply represents his obsession with alicorns.
● Pious Praiser by Ravenpuff ● Shield Mare by Ravenpuff ● Silver Step by Ravenpuff ● It's her Ghost Beater — The Doodle by Ravenpuff ● Freetime Reading by Ravenpuff ● A World Under Siege by Ravenpuff