Figured it would be a nice tradition to hold up. Using our different games to create covers with our characters. Last year's was just handed to our Game Master a few days ago, as it was her game and I give her most of the credit for keep it running for as long as it did. This year's cover is clearly inspired by an ENTIRELY different game system than D&D, as you might have guessed.
PonyFinder was quite fun to get into. I hadn't actually played PathFinder before it, so there were some differences to adjust to. It wasn't as big a game, since not all players were present. One of the players were GM for this one, since our regular GM needed a break and didn't want to join the herd so she didn't join as a player. Just three of us stuck around to play, with the fourth GM'ing. Although PonyFinder definitely played up to be its own thing, we played heavily on the imagination of the canon show with an AU twist, so the character designs and names truly shines through with that. Including the fact that I here illustrate Kara as Chrysalis, because that's just how we imagined it. For funzies.
Actually the very game that created my OC Silver Step, which I have used for many other things since. She has developed into her own thing as I used her in RP's and so on, and I still adore her. This game was never finished, due to time, plans and motivation. But still had its fun and great moments about it. I also had refs of all the characters drawn long ago, so they were easy to look up in the making of this.
I don't draw this big in traditional style very often, although I'm glad I've practiced the colouring pencils the past months. I think it helps a lot that I've finally gotten an idea of how to add a bit of shine by traditional colouring. That's a new revelation for me. The one thing I like the least about this thing, is how I managed to screw up Chrysalis' eyes. One is all ascrew and just not aligned right. But by the time I realized, it was too late to fix. Can't erase these colouring pencils gracefully enough to save it. So that's just how it is.
Anyways, happy holidays to my D&D gang for dealing with me for a decade or so by now. And you all too!