Went a bit Red Velvet crazy again during another commission batch for avatarjk137 :dummy:
Lots of doodlings of Red, dunno why I enjoy drawing him so much. Tried out a different way of drawing his pointy noise at that half-way angle, always been hard to make it look good. I really enjoyed drawing Red again also because I figured out to let his hooves look bigger than usual to show how thin his body has become from his stay in prison. And drawing him with big hooves just equals adorable to me 8D
I went a bit nuts with the silly side-comments too for some reason. And then let it inspire me to ad in another of Avatar's OC's, spy-master Alias. Just a quick chibi form, not sure if I got her to look right. Usually when I draw by description I keep bother Avatar for details to get it just right. This was just done quickly for a quick gag.
Also, doodle of Red Velvet with his newest accessory, his zebra tribal mask from his escape. Been doodling and sketching that thing a lot until finally found a design fitting Avatar's vision. So, had to make full use of it and really show it off. LOOK AT IT!
Red Velvet, Alias © avatarjk137 redvelvetrunaway.tumblr.com/
Red Velvet Recalls / Runaway:
● Black Egg and White Snow by Ravenpuff ● Gearing Up by Ravenpuff ● Red Velvet Sketch Dump by Ravenpuff
>>> More Red Velvet Fanart by me <<<