
This is a board game developed by myself last year. I won't translate it, so just enjoy the arts.
safe2486578 artist:ca(oh)226 imported from derpibooru3655929 angel bunny12654 apple bloom72494 applejack233503 autumn blaze6223 big macintosh39791 bon bon21991 boulder (pet)1353 bulk biceps4202 chancellor neighsay1028 cinder glow1322 coco pommel8437 cozy glow11818 crackle cosette367 daring do8202 daybreaker4821 derpy hooves67375 diamond tiara14822 discord43018 dj pon-337666 doctor caballeron982 doctor whooves13179 fancypants2837 flam2820 flash magnus1111 fleur-de-lis5441 flim2926 fluttershy301095 granny smith6864 holly the hearths warmer doll101 king sombra19893 lightning dust6180 limestone pie7511 luster dawn2337 lyra heartstrings40332 marble pie9978 maud pie17197 meadowbrook1097 mistmane1052 nightmare moon24253 nurse redheart5218 octavia melody32227 pinkie pie298267 pony of shadows752 princess cadance48211 princess celestia133231 princess flurry heart11388 princess luna136927 queen chrysalis49411 rain shine735 rainbow dash325851 rarity253943 rockhoof1464 scootaloo71403 shining armor33363 silver spoon9972 snails6612 snips5210 soarin'20453 somnambula2666 spike108290 spitfire18213 star swirl the bearded2586 starlight glimmer68671 stygian1137 sugar belle4278 summer flare1322 sunburst10133 sunset shimmer92622 surprise4066 sweetie belle68453 sweetie drops21718 tempest shadow20676 time turner12693 trixie92128 twilight sparkle418143 vinyl scratch38430 zecora13107 zephyr breeze3429 alicorn348929 changeling73880 dragon92914 earth pony488595 kirin17736 pegasus543619 pony1674221 unicorn590898 zebra27483 boulder (g4)1695 card3820 card game448 chinese4641 cutie mark crusaders26292 disguised changeling4128 female1977874 flim flam brothers1665 male589985 mare801735 night guard2528 pillars of equestria392 playing card911 poker507 royal guard12325 s5 starlight2830 staff4055 staff of sameness868 stallion204893 twilight sparkle (alicorn)166462 wall of blue100 wonderbolts5112 young granny smith914 younger27009


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