
Around 2 years ago, I posted Sleep Tight, which is perfect timing on my part! My personal headcanon is that it takes baby changelings about 2 years to learn to express their love and transform from black & white larve to a more colorful form.

So, here's Coxal with her roomies! Coxal herself has grown and changed since I started her story, and so have the babbies.

From left to right:

Dewdrop, indigo & blue — one of the smaller of the bunch, and the shyest

Drone, magenta — often a deep sleeper, loves piggyback rides and playing in the dirt when awake

Cerci, grey-green & gold — kind of a bossy one, but nervous with the unfamiliar

Stemma, bright green — also on the small side, loves looking at plants

Perennial, rosy red & pale green — talkative and curious

Hexa, gold & blue — tries to act like a tiny Coxal, loves to climb all over the Hive walls and tunnels


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