
"Are you sure this will work? "Asked Sunset Shimmer, her former teacher, Celestia, laid dormant before her. "Me and Moondancer have been researching all the spell books we had found"said Sunburst he had bags under his eyes again" this spell is ancient and we had to translate it but we think it could work, besides Zecora made a concoction that helped wake up the comatose, it could help too "

"We don't lose anything by trying. Sunset murmured more than we had already lost…" . She was the more capable of the spell, the old star student of the Princes, the banished student, she thought at first that her old resentment for her teacher would bubble again after she had come to Equestria again, but there was none, instead replaced by guilt and a wish to be forgiven and help her. She prepared herself for the spell, Sunset was a bit rusty, but her magic had increased and she could feel it.

She recited the spell, feeling the magic expanding through her body like fire, lowering the glowing orb that appeared at the point of her horn to the eyes of Celestia, where it dispersed in a ball of glittery magic. Sunset stumbled, exhausted. And then, two purple eyes flashed open.

Celestia sprung from the bed, her eyes wild and her wings open, "Wha? Am i awake, h-how?" She was looking at her surroundings, Zecora bowed and offered her the bowl with the concoction and when the princess was about to drink it she and Sunset locked eyes. Sunset saw her former teachers hoofs shake and her eyes water, her own doing it too, there wasn't a need for words, the two of them embracing.

Later that night they were all reunited, "Luna's spell only can be broken by her entirely, I will fall into slumber again, but your efforts had given me enough time" said Celestia, she looked weak and ironically, tired. "My magic is debilitated from the lack of sun, due to my connection to it…I'm afraid I can't do anything against all this danger that surrounds us" her voice sounded like a whisper, frail "If only i had any of the books of Starswirl..he used to had a lot of information that could be helpful" "Excuse me your majesty, i-perhaps I could be of help" Sunburst stuttered "How so?" asked everyone "I have his diary with me".

Yayy!! she is awake!! of course this changes a few things of the story of the AU, but oh welp, next: are the Pillars finally making an appearance?


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