Greta Griffon, one of Princess Gaia's most faithful and loyal students, grows concerned when she stumbles upon a grim prophecy during her studies. The dreaded griffon king of the starry skies, Grigory Gloom, is fated to return at the zenith of the Crimson Moon in just a few days! When Greta informs Princess Gaia of the imminent disaster, it takes only moments for her trusty companion Plume the Phoenix to receive a reply via Phoenix Fire. Flabbergasted, Greta learns that the Princess isn't taking her research seriously! She's told to go and socialize with the kind country griffons of Griffonville in order to oversee preparations for the upcoming Crimson Moon Ceremony. With a sigh and a groan, Greta boards a chariot and makes haste to the settlement, unaware of the adventure and new friends that await her! The only question is… did Princess Gaia send her out in time?
Ah, so to somewhat explain this… we had a "role reversal" theme for our most recent art-jam and I kinda turned it into an alternate universe thing for my entry. I think it still counts…? Griffons are the bringers of friendship and peace in this world while ponies are just grumps. Anyways, I've been on a huge griffon kick these last few weeks so when this idea came to mind, I quickly seized it and put it to canvas. It was a bit laborious to do a 6 character group shot, but I think it turned out really well! Initially, I just made the center photograph you see here, without the scroll or anything else… but I had to take it one extra step further and complete the parody. Had a blast with this project, would definitely watch a My Little Griffon show, for sure :y
Oh, for those that are curious, nah, I didn't do a full design of Princess Gaia, but rest assured she is very, very pretty. Maybe a secretary bird with a white tiger mix? She'd have special wings, prismatic feathers and glowy jewelry, probably, something to signify her magical powers. My headcanon is that griffons use enchanted jewelry and intense magical training to harness the forces of magic in their world ||along with friendship of course, though that may be a secret!||
I may go ahead and upload the clean photo as well, just for fun. Next things on my plate are probably a Halloween pic and another style emulation, though who knows? Whatever comes to mind, I'll try and commit it to canvas. Aight, until next time, keep it classy, ponefriends ;)