OC: “Myah” Mystery Brew CM: a spilt potion, resembling a question mark
Myah is a smug, solitary, yellow/magenta unicorn with a face-marking resembling a masquerade mask, and markings on her lower back and (optionally) her hind legs.
She’s a young witch and alchemist who enjoys foraging for ingredients, and mixing potions and cocktails. She owns a tavern and potion shop on the edge of the Everfree Forest.
Myah likes to mix some of her potions with the cocktails she makes. So be careful what you order at her bar. She's also proficient in magic, and holds the willpower to lift 2-3 full-grown ponies at a time. She can't afford a bouncer for her tavern, so she's gotta deal with miscreants herself.
She enjoys playfully messing with ponies. However, she never singles anyone out. Nor is she malicious with her pranks.
Poison Joke is one of her favorite potion ingredients, because its effects are different with everypony. It's like rolling the dice. Her special Poison Joke potion is brewed in such a way that the effects are merely temporary. Which make it perfect for party pranks.