
We at BABSCon are disgusted by today’s Supreme Court decision which strips away all bodily autonomy from pregnant people and whose majority opinion paints a target on the backs of the #LGBTQ+ community and all medical privacy.

Let’s fight this, #bronies!

(🎨 @Minty_Root)


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10 comments posted
Background Pony #C41C
It is amusing to watch the Left's crazy quilt of mutually incompatible groups that despise one another fall apart. It'd be more amusing if I could watch them devour each other from a long, long distance. Like Singapore. Or a satellite in orbit.

@Background Pony #638D
Nope. Womanhood has been co-opted by dudes and they're the only ones allowed to be called women.

Worse for them is the fact feminists allowed it to happen. They not only allowed it to happen, they CHAMPIONED it happening and said that men are better at being women than they are.

Yeah, right.

"As a gay man I'm directly impacted by the Supreme Court taking away my right to abort a pregnancy that I can't actually have should I decide that I don't actually want it."

@Background Pony #E4DF
A bit of option A, a bit of option B. Also, with the amount of retards thinking that, for example, LGBWTFBBQ are oppressed in USA, being literally delusional enough to think about it and consider it perfectly true cannot be excluded either.
Background Pony #6351
I can never tell whether these people are just that tone-deaf and just that incapable of reading what they've just typed and thinking about it for two seconds before clicking on "send" or whether they're doing it deliberately in an attempt to provoke a reaction they think they can exploit. Poe's Law says it's now impossible to tell the difference between stupid, crazy, or trolling on the Internet. I hate the 21st Century. We've all been living in The Onion since 9/11.

What a bunch of fucking degenerate retards.
>reversing an unconstitutional court overreach, which "democrats" had DECADES to turn into an actual law but didn't, which merely prevented individual states from deciding themselves on how to deal with abortion read: the states where all the retards are concentrated will still allow it, so it's literally a fucking nonissue unless you're a subversive piece of authoritarian shit who is grievously offended if anyone else disagrees with you, "strips away all bodily autonomy from pregnant people".

Also, babs? Talking about bodily autonomy and medical privacy? That's fucking rich after the jab requirements, which violate said autonomy and privacy big time.