This is the second out of five pages of my timeline I created for Derpibooru's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 10th Anniversary Art Event. It contains a rough timeline of Hasbro's My Little Pony franchise mostly focusing on the fourth generation's Friendship is Magic and my personal life connected with it.
It consists of mixed media, namely (coloured) pencil drawings, vectors, photography, screenshots, plushies put together in a big timeline collage. Some artworks are from official sources, others are done by me or third persons.
2013 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Launch of a MLP:FiM spin-off franchise.
2013 June 13 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls First animated release of the spin-off as movie under the same name, introducing a parallel human universe.
2015, Summer Encountered second episode of major depression which lasted about 2 years. Partner left me, I failed at university, got physical agony which turned out to be biliary colics, and running costs which left a financial dent.
2015, late Autumn Distracting myself, I finished binge-watching "Samurai Jack" and continued with MLP:FiM. So far I felt rather ambivalent about its omnipresence on the net.
2016 The constantly worsening state of my physique and psyche got me about 2 months into hospital where I finally found out I had biliary colics, a clogged appendix and major depression. I had the most peaceful dream in my life featuring a house while waking up from anaesthesia. I also had a phase with over 40°C body temperature paired with very low blood pressure.