Syntax quick reference: *bold* _italic_ [spoiler]hide text[/spoiler] @code@
+underline+ -strike- ^sup^ ~sub~ [==stuff you don't want textile to parse==]
Links: "On-site link":/some-link, "External link":http://some-link
Images: >>1 — link to image, >>1t — embed image thumbnail (>>1p — large preview, >>1s — small thumbnail)
External images: !http://some-image!, !http://some-clickable-image!:http://some-link
Remember to use embeds (>>) for booru images as these let users filter content they don't want to see
Ha. She's far more freaked out by the prospect of love to be that chipper.
For half a second I expected her to perform her best impression of claymation Rudolph.
She took that pretty well, all things considered.