Born to Silly


A minor can't:
>have sex
>get tattoos/piercing
>be enlisted
Etc, etc

but a minor CAN:
>take experimental drugs to stop there bodies natural functions which leads to long lasting and often irreversible damage
>become a permanent paypig for big pharma there whole lives
>have butchers in lab coats cut off there body parts and remove there chances to ever be normal functioning human beings, FOREVER

Enough is enough, our community have a responsibility to the children of today and tomorrow
we can reach out and support them in a way there parents can not
its not a "trend"
its not a "lifestyle"
its not a "fetish!"

say NO to the mutilation of children
safe2555212 artist:appulman55 deleted from derpibooru43201 imported from derpibooru3751114 apple bloom74209 applejack239002 earth pony510205 pony1733199 snake4982 background pony strikes again1767 banned from derpibooru4073 conservative32 female2046900 filly113310 foal51261 g425963 op is trying to start shit4637 politics2519 prejudice21 pride5556 pride flag5295 shitposting2883 transgender pride flag1616


not provided yet


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34 comments posted
Background Pony #BEA4
a man just born with women genitals because pobably twisted genes. yes that happens, but he pretends to be a woman. it's quite complicated.
but being XY is still male biologically.
Medieval Community Collab -

>government create minority "issue"
>introduce more regulation that makes government bigger and more powerful to help fix the "issues"
>more "issues" come up
>bigger government needed

rinse, repeat until big government have complete control, troons and similar ilk are just useful idiots in order to get at your rights and leech of the public wealth with endless bureaucracy "jobs"
Background Pony #FAE9
@Background Pony #3342
Because Judaism has ruled the west since Christianity infested it 2000 years ago. The many-headed hydra constantly changes its approach in the eternal saga to rule over the world.
Medieval Community Collab -

@Background Pony #3342
>How did such a tiny, tiny sliver of sexual deviants take over completely in the West?

political gain, the left needs to justify its reason to exist so they will always push for minorities and move the goal post,
the more obscure and small the minority the better.
its that simple, alot of fags jobs are based on creating problems and selling themselves as the cure.
Background Pony #3342
How did such a tiny, tiny sliver of sexual deviants take over completely in the West? The American Empire girdles the globe, and the sole impetus of its foreign policy seems to be making sure that even Uzbekistan and Uganda enforce "Pride Month" and toddlers even in Guatemala and Bangladesh have a "human right" to sex-change surgery. Every resource, every effort, is bent to these ends, to the exclusion of everything else. We may be the most hated empire in all the world's history. Our government refuses to help its own people after natural disasters—if the inhabitants of the region are suspected of having voted the wrong way, anyway—even as it cranks up the printing presses to pay for painting the embassies in Luxembourg and Zaire in rainbow "pride" colors. Historians in the future will be certain that we've gone insane.

Mouth Ready To Service
@Background Pony #44AC
If you mean "not allowing mentally ill people to make children mentally ill" is "not friendship", don't care. They wouldn't want fillies and colts getting fucked up from traumatic experiences they don't understand the implications of until much later in life either. If they get to make it that far. Chopping up and lobbing off healthy parts of your body is in no way a good thing.
And like @Appulman said, there's also those who give less than 0 shits about who they hurt for a crumb of clout.
Medieval Community Collab -

@Background Pony #FAE9
correct, trannies and those who enable them for political/social gain is a danger to societies fundamental core.
I cant believe fags don't see the obvious but then you remember they also push for folks being obese and eating themselves to death. they are enabling sick behavior in order to have their own sick shit accepted in the group.
Background Pony #FAE9
Based. Trannies are mentally ill and want to hurt people, especially children.
Background Pony #44AC
This comment thread is something else.

And it's definitely not friendship.

Mouth Ready To Service
I'm aware of the "THINK OF THE CHILDRENZ!" trap. In this case, there's nothing to gain except to sterilize people, turn others into some kind of fetish, and/or ruining them IS the fetish.

You should look up John Money. Better yet, here's a link (Skip to 14:45, ends at about 17:26)
Teens have wanted to commit soo-ie-slide for decades before all this trans bullshit and they'll want to long after. Kids need stability, and telling them "Oh you can swap out your parts willy nilly however and whenever you want!" doesn't give them that. Giving any kind of illusion or keeping them deluded into thinking trooning out is a good thing is caustic to their mental health, and extends to physical health once you make them go through the procedure. It's like the image description mentions:
A minor can't:
>have sex
>get tattoos/piercing
>be enlisted
Etc, etc

but a minor CAN:
>take experimental drugs to stop there bodies natural functions which leads to long lasting and often irreversible damage
>become a permanent paypig for big pharma there whole lives
>have butchers in lab coats cut off there body parts and remove there chances to ever be normal functioning human beings, FOREVER
@Background Pony #1B53
Linkified that for ya.
Background Pony #1B53
Gaypril fools is over, you can drop the act now
>HRT is safe btw. It's REVERSIBLE and not permanent
>look it up
Once a mental illness was forcefully imprinted into the psyche, it cannot be reversed without further destroying it. Have you ever tried looking up the anti-thesis of your claims?
(I didn't bother looking much further than that RN because you would never support your claims)
>them committing suicide
Perhaps in a perfect world it were that easy
>When you eventually have a child that turns out trans
Just don't molest your children and don't send them to rabbis to get molested by them; problem solved. Basic parenting really

Aryanne is pro LGBTQ+
HRT is safe btw. It's REVERSIBLE and not permanent so even if someone doesn't decide to continue their transition, they can still have a normal cis life. Numerous sources have proven this just look it up. Also, even IF it has some side-effects, that's preferable to having someone mentally traumatized by being forced to go to the wrong puberty that might even lead to them committing suicide. It's hilarious seeing transphobes go "b-But m-muh c-chIldRen!11!1! I gOttA proTecT dem from teH eviL TrAnnIes!!!11 thEyrE haRmiNg mUh kiDs!11!" when they're the ones denying basic healthcare to children in need. When you eventually have a child that turns out trans, know that their suicide will be entirely your fault. Their blood will be on your hands all because you we're too afraid of giving them a tiny little pill they that so desperately need. Murderer.
Background Pony #576C
Poe's Law

Around here, some days I genuinely can't tell.

Sometimes they say the quiet part out loud. They know the State is their creature, and will crush anyone who dares object. So, drunk with power as they are, sometimes they just can't help themselves. It is well to be wary when people seem to be trying to frighten you with alarming stories. But there really are evil people out there, some of them really are pederasts, and when the government protects them, the newsmedia runs interference for them, and the big tech companies censor anyone who disagrees, they feel safe enough to tell you what they really want.

When Antonio Gramsci said "The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters," this isn't what he meant. I'd have more respect for him if it had been. The Weimar Republic was full of this kind of thing when he wrote that letter.
Background Pony #BCAF
>Unwanted natural process that everyone has been going thrown since the dawn of man
>This will scar them
Kek, lol, lmao
You people desperately need to touch grass. There is no reason to ever mutilate yourself because 'waa waaa im too pathetic to be a man so I must be a girl!' no, you're just pathetic. Being a girl won't change anything and you can't be a girl. You will never be a girl. You will never feel like a girl, you're trying to fight a brick wall and loosing, grow up faggot


Regardless of how serious the problem is, attention whores love to threaten your children to get you to care about their bullshit. So you should at least be suspicious when some terrible threat being held over us is all about the children.

Mouth Ready To Service
Ah yes, encouraging a schizo to believe each and every one of their delusions is healthy. The voices are real. The shadow people are real.
Similar case. Worse yet, children also want to become dinosaurs and pirates. Do we try to distort their bodies and break their joints and bones to make them into reptiles? Or the "less harmful" deal of lopping a leg off from the knee down because they think peg legs look cool? No. Children have what's called an over-active imagination and do a bunch of dumb shit as they grown and learn. You don't encourage them to do the dumb shit and push it miles further. You also don't feed them all the sugary junk they want just because they want it either. You're talking about people who might have a proper problem with either their hormones, brain, or both, and prescribing them encouragement and treatment ("you're hecking trans and valid!") for something unrelated to what they actually need (correction for an imbalance in hormones and possibly therapy for potential brainwashing into the cancerous idea).

TL;DR: We don't encourage delusions. And no one should be forced into doing so either. Sticks and stones used to be a thing. No one should be compelled (legally or otherwise) to support said delusions.

Those children grow into adults. Think of it this way: You're preventing the propagation of unhinged adults who obsess over their distorted reality.