A question before I start here


Before I go through the effort of setting up my favorite tags and watched and getting settled in here, is it safe to tell fag flag fliers to fuck off in the comments of their uploads? Is it permissible to tell them how they're delusional and will never be happy with themselves no matter how much they mutilate their bodies in pursuit of idiotic goals?
Sunlit Sky

Yeah, you'll be fine. The mods are pretty chill here. Have a look at the site rules page, if you haven't already. Ponerpics has sensible staff-specific rules and they actually do a pretty good job of following them from everything I've seen.

The Ponerpics userbase doesn't like mouthpieces very much and pride flags are almost always downvoted. For your consideration, here is a list of recently uploaded images that contain pride flags and have comments:

I just got banned for a week this time, because I refuse to use my filters to hide from all the pridesters.

I may have to go full asshole and give them reason to ban me for life just like derpi' did.
Background Pony #6314
the people who make those pictures aren't the ones uploading them here so they probably won't see them. but if you want to, you do you.

I've been banned for 30 days on ponybooru this time. Because I won't quit telling fag flag fliers that they aren't special.
Background Pony #B556
I've been banned for 30 days on ponybooru this time. Because I won't quit telling fag flag fliers that they aren't special.

Sadly Ponybooru is getting more and more like Derpibooru 2.0 now. They have poor management especially by Napsack.
Background Pony #6CEE
To quote what one of the mods told another user with a similar gripe:
This isn't exclusively about 'spamming' but also the fact that it's against our rule about filtering content as was mentioned to you. You seem to have some idea about why this site was created, and one of the core reasons was that certain people were completely unwilling to filter content they didn't like by using the tools given to them. There's a reason 'Filters' is the very first word of our rules page.

Filters: Ponybooru hosts a multitude of content. Some users may find certain content objectionable. Please use your filters. […] it is up to you to decide what content you will allow yourself to see.

>refuses to filter thing he doesn't like
>comments about not liking thing he doesn't like on every image of thing he doesn't like
>gets put in time-out

@Background Pony #6CEE
Yes. I am outright refusing to run and hide from the degenerates who flaunt their fuckery preferences in our faces and enjoy the full protection and blessing of the law while still crying victim whenever they're criticized.

I'm done putting up with the folks who're grooming toddlers into sexual deviancy, trying to get laws passed to let children chops off their dangly bits without parental consent or knowledge, and twerking their naked asses in front of children at pride parades.

To hell with the lot of them and their allies.
Background Pony #55FF
>his way of fighting back is shit flinging on a rip off ethiopian horse image booru
I shiggy diggy, go commit terrorism while writing a manifesto about how much you love your pony waifu
Punished McGee

A fallen legend
I have no points to give you. This ain't a bikini contest. And although you speak like a woman, I doubt you have a nice girly ass to go with that.

But fine, I give you minus seventeen points for promoting violence against leprechauns.
Background Pony #B940
I'm going to bump this despite it being a year because #6CEE sounds like one of the prideflag waving Ponybooru mods and no one properly tore them a new hole.

It's one thing if you're going to enforce rules like this on comments. You better do it across the board, though. The reality is Ponybooru constantly locked comments on anti-pride images while threatening and banning people for commenting negatively on pride images. Just like the Acres debacle, it's one set of rules for the pridesters that Ponybooru protects and another set of rules for everyone else.

They also have taken action against people for voting on images in a way they dislike. To my knowledge, the only other site so fucked up as that is e621. Congrats, fags, you're as bad as the second worst furry website on the internet.

Fuck Ponybooru and their lying authoritarian mods. You pretend to be better than Derpibooru but you're literally exactly the same, just lazier.
Background Pony #6CEE
@Background Pony #B940
You don't share my irrational hatred of PB, therefore you're a PB mod and a prideflaggot cause all PB mods are prideflaggots and ban you for not being a prideflaggot


Ease off on the crack, nigger, it's rotting your brain.
Background Pony #55A0
I'm just here for the e621 comparisons.

But let me start with a word of explanation that no one asked for: I spend a lot of time there, though I categorically refuse to make an account there, because it's just about the only place that has art of certain characters I like, many of them downloaded and reposted from 15+ year old Twitter posts, 20+ year old Geocities pages, and 30+ year old FTP archives that are no longer available anywhere else.

e621's mod staff are Derpibooru-tier bug-eyed kool-ade-drinking woketards. There is a certain artist who stands accused of expressing wrongthink in a private conversation in the form of admitting to an unforgivable lack of enthusiasm for the Pronoun Mafia a few years back and got hounded completely off the Internet under threat of doxing and much worse. This artist drew a cartoon fox girl I think is cute. e621's mods have shoah'd this particular cartoon fox girl. By that I mean they have B& her and all her images due to her creator's "problematic" opinions. If you don't understand, this is e621 we're talking about here. Two thirds of the art is grotesque gay furry shit, starting with cum inflation porn of obese musclebound cartoon bear trannies in diapers fucking each other in the ass with their warty four-foot-long cocks and getting weirder and creepier from there. e621's mods are all about "muh freedums of expressions" when someone points out that they're hosting cartoon images of vore, scat, watersports, guro, torture, cannibalism, and snuff porn, a significant fraction of it "cub" material depicting characters drawn to look like toddlers, i.e., CP that's just barely legal in some countries on the basis of legal technicalities. That's all 1000% A-OK and if you question any part of any of this you're Literally Worse Than Hitler&tm;.

But that cartoon fox girl, she's got to go, because letting people post, look at, comment on, or upvote pictures of non-sexual pictures of a cute cartoon fox is also Literally Worse Than Hitler&tm;. Pointing out the contradiction is, and I think you probably saw this one coming, also Literally Worse Than Hitler&tm;. I despise those people and hope they all get dick cancer.

If Ponybooru has reached a point where it's reasonable to compare them to e621, I can only shake my head. I'm disappointed but I'm not the least bit surprised.
Background Pony #6CEE
@Background Pony #43AA
Especially when I'm spitting truth. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

@Background Pony #55A0
If Ponybooru has reached a point where it's reasonable to compare them to e621, I can only shake my head.

It's not, and it's delusional to think it has.

If any artist's works have been purged off PB for inadequate wokeness, someone please show receipts, 'cause I'd seriously want to know about that.

Until such or comparable behavior is proven, PB will remain my main booru, and I'll keep pitying the haters as paranoid schizoids.
Background Pony #43AA
@Background Pony #55A0
They did just recently start major shit over someone drawing one of their admins in a way he disapproved of. Despite not being against the rules, they forced the image to be deleted. Is it woke? No, but apolitical abuse of power isn't better.

Especially since they have banned people for "abusing" image voting and leaving comments they don't like. Meaning, making wokies feel unwelcome. Maybe they haven't been caught yet doing some major woke shit, but compare the amount of people on PB to E621 and I rest my case. They already have the most abusive policies of E621 firmly in place, don't give me shit that they are any different on a deeper level.
Background Pony #43AA
Also #6CEE is literally a mod/admin over there. Keep spewing shit and I'll take the time to figure out which one.
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