Ponerpics community collaboration event


I suppose this collab can be an excuse for me to define an OC after all these years of going without one. She’d be a blue Pegasus mare whose iconic accessory is to hold a pair of marimba mallets between the feathers of each wing. I have not yet thought of her mane color or cutie mark nor have I finalized her name.

Don't have anything to contribute (I can't draw and my OC has plenty of art already) but I would like to express my gratitude for you doing this, thanks very much!

i hate the antichrist
Think of some specific thing to draw, like a theme, so it wouldn't end up as a stupid meaningless image of random OCs.

@Dumbshwick McGee
blue Pegasus mare whose iconic accessory is to hold a pair of marimba mallets between the feathers of each wing. I have not yet thought of her mane color or cutie mark nor have I finalized her name.

@Dumbshwick McGee
Double bonus points if it can fail to meet their guidelines without taking option 14edgy88me.
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