The Convention Thread

Background Pony #34E6
Who all is going to Anthro Con (furfag!!!!!!!!!!) or Trot (too autistic for AC or other pony cons)?
Background Pony #97A1
@Background Pony #34E6
Hyped as hell for Anthro, I might even wash my yiffsuit this year!

Real question, why is Trot considered one of the worst cons? The only thing I've heard of is some autist harassing people about masks a couple years ago, spoonfeed me on the lore bros
Background Pony #34E6
@Background Pony #97A1
I only know from reputation that the other cons are supposedly less neurodiverse than Trot: only been to Trot because it used to be a 15-minute drive from my parents' house (so I'd get meals and housing for free that weekend).

Princess of Shitposting
I’ve never been to Trotcon, so all I know about it comes from second hand sources.

I’ve heard accusations that Trotcon was losing focus on MLP, that it’s organizers mismanaged their money, and that they banned the character Anonfilly, causing many 4channers to resent them.
Background Pony #97A1
@Background Pony #793F
Of course they are, to different degrees of quality. They died down during Hoaxid, like everything else, but there's cons for pretty much anything and MLP is no different.

Princess of Shitposting
@Background Pony #793F
They still exist, but there aren't as many as there used to be, and the quality of some is questionable.

Someone on /mlpol/ made a list of the still-active brony conventions in North America earlier this year, and counted 9 (soon to be 8):

*Vanhoover Pony Expo (Vancouver, BC)
*HarmonyCon (Dallas, TX)
*SeaquestriaFest (Ocean City, MD)
*Whinny City Pony Con (Chicago, IL)
*TrotCon (Dayton, OH)
*Everfree Northwest (Seattle, WA)
*Ponyville Ciderfest (Milwaukee, WI)
*BABsCon (San Francisco, CA; closing next year)
*Mare Fair (Orlando, FL; just started last year)

I don't know how things are in Europe right now, but there's probably at least a couple that are still ongoing.
Gold Meddle

100% Biodegradable
There's Czequestria in half a week, and in a little while, there'll be Hop's Featherfest, UK PonyCon, Derpyfest, and PonyCon Holland, each a week apart.
Background Pony #793F
The Taiwan Ponycon staffs were accused of misappropriating public fund in 2016, so there’s no conventions there anymore.
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