The Convention Thread


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This is a thread about Conventions. Not a shitflinging-fest over whatever it is you want to bicker about. Keep it on topic.
Medieval Community Collab -

>On Topic
apparently after the con they had Q&A and anons wanted the furrys out and they said no, they said furries can like ponies too, then someone yelled"they could leave their fursuits at home and still come" and they ignored that point.
at this rate I wonder how long they are gonna be able to call this a /mlp con with a straight face

Princess of Shitposting
apparently after the con they had Q&A and anons wanted the furrys out and they said no, they said furries can like ponies too, then someone yelled"they could leave their fursuits at home and still come" and they ignored that point.

Yes, that DID happen at the Mare Fair 2 “sneedback panel” (I was actually there for that).
And I agree with them. There ARE a lot of furries in the fandom, furries make up a disproportionately large proportion of the people who attend brony conventions, spend a disproportionately large amount of the money at cons, sell merchandise that people actually buy, and there were even some furries on staff. Mare Fair may have been born on /mlp/, but its organizers don’t intend to isolate themselves to /mlp/. They’re not letting paranoia about furries “infiltrating” the event hinder its growth and development.

And so far their approach has been working. The event is still relentlessly centered on pony, and the only non-horse related event on the schedule was the “roast the furry” panel.
Medieval Community Collab -

yeah you furfags will brute force your way in to any community you want and not rest until you make it your own, and of course as long as the jannies enable you this will keep happening again and again and again, nothing is learned and only more ground is won for furfags, you really are a fucking scourge but I am more amazed over the stupidity of anons to not understand this fact tho I suppose they just don't care or are dogfuckers themselves.
>furfags spend a disproportionately large amount of the money at cons
so they buy themselves in and the marefair staff accept cus they are jews and have no principles? thanks got it. kys

even looking past their lies about the con not being for furfags the marefair you champion was horrible mismanaged and treated their artfag guests like shit,
>first hand account from a artfag
"The sketchbook swap room was tiny so most of the artist that showed up couldn't fit the room, one staff hot us another room but that filled very fast and 100 plus of us just had to figure out where to go ourselves. Thankful I got back in the first room but I saw tins of people just not have a place to go. In the first room after like 20 minutes of shuffling around we got to draw for a minute, but like no less than 30 minutes in we were kicked out of the room. That was the issue with the sketchbook swap event.

There was multiple diapers and anons in diapers activity using them, their soiled adult diapers were 8n the parking lot, and I hope I don't need to explain what's wrong there further."

Thats without mentioned the absolute shitshow of an auction where they spent over 4 hours just selling random crap for shit and giggles (maps of the hotel, a table, a picture of purps ass, a shirt signed "I fucked purp in the ass" probably some kind of gaysex purchase) while the artfags who worked on legit art had to wait until last when all the energy is low and auction money spent
Background Pony #5A9A
Bruh you're losing your shit this hard, but bronies are literally a type of furry no matter how much you deny it. Give up on the cognitive dissonance.

Princess of Shitposting

the marefair you champion was horrible mismanaged and treated their artfag guests like shit

Most of the people who actually went enjoyed it. The management wasn’t perfect but they pulled it off without any disasters.

There was multiple diapers and anons in diapers activity using them, their soiled adult diapers were 8n the parking lot, and I hope I don't need to explain what's wrong there further."

This is the first I’ve heard of there being diapers. Where did this info come from? Your ass?

the absolute shitshow of an auction

I’ll admit I didn’t attend the auction at all (I needed to catch up on sleep), but it couldn’t have been that much of a shitshow if it raised more than twice as much money as the previous year’s auction.
Medieval Community Collab -

>"Most of the people who actually went enjoyed it. The management wasn’t perfect but they pulled it off without any disasters."
most of the people who went are faggots, your point? of course you don't see a disaster in this furfag
but this was a blatant betrayal of /mlp, they used the board to start interests in genuine mare enthusiasts hungry for a proper /mlp con, building all the hype to just quickly toss us in the bin.
I don't care what you "think" about this mess, I am merely documenting it for anons who might have missed it.
>"This is the first I’ve heard of there being diapers"
shocker and you seemed so sharp this whole time

>"but it couldn’t have been that much of a shitshow if it raised more than twice as much money as the previous year’s auction."
this is not about the bits Jew, I think the big spenders are either friends with the staff or doing it just for the horse sanctuary,
I don't expect there to be much of a economic blow for the next one but their bs cover of "shalom my fellow ponyfags" is gonna be dead and gone
Background Pony #AE8C
There were two, maybe three people in total in fur suits at the convention. The number of furries present has been dramatically exaggerated by people who want to bitch for the sake of bitching.

>There was multiple diapers and anons in diapers activity using them, their soiled adult diapers were 8n the parking lot
I never saw any diapers at the convention, nor do I know anyone who does, and I was there with many friends. Then again, I never went to the parking lot. If this isn't completely made up, it's such a tiny part of a much bigger event that it does not warrant much focus.

>Thats without mentioned the absolute shitshow of an auction where they spent over 4 hours just selling random crap for shit and giggles (maps of the hotel, a table, a picture of purps ass, a shirt signed "I fucked purp in the ass" probably some kind of gaysex purchase) while the artfags who worked on legit art had to wait until last when all the energy is low and auction money spent
The Auction was by far the most mismanaged portion of the convention and the section with the most obvious room for improvement. But Jesus, lay off on the exaggerations. Four hours was necessary budgeting of time considering that auctions at most cons last three or more hours and almost always go over. They were prescient to devote that much time to it. The items were by and large not "random crap,' but included things like all of the paintings in the Mare Gallery. Yes, they sold a few random items for shits and giggles. That's completely normal at charity auctions in the Pony Fandom. At Seaquestriafest earlier this year, a palm limb was sold. At Galacon this and every year, a cowboy hat worn by the convention organizer is the big item at the end of the auction. That's just what they do.

Putting the art off until the end was a mistake, but for exactly the opposite reason that you claim. Two of the last three items were art pieces that were among the most clearly desirable pieces of art: the "mare stare" and a work of art made by a literal horse at the rescue farm. Both of these items sold for about $4,000 each. The problem is that many people will be not bidding on other items in hopes of buying these. I know that I had saved about $3,000 to buy one of these items, and then got outbid on both. If I had known that was going to happen, I would have tried to buy several of the paintings that went earlier in the auction. Meanwhile having all of the banners sell early in the auction — 6 banners in a row — was a mistake as these items are boring to most convention goers, and could have been something for people to blow money on at the end of the auction, which is their primary purpose in an auction.
Medieval Community Collab -

@Background Pony #AE8C
there was at least 8 from my sources, also suit or not furfags do not belong at a /mlp convention problem is that the staff themselves are furfags. to me its a fucking joke, its just another con like any other but don't go around bullshiting anons that they are somehow different.
on that note, gay orgy. no thanks, I am here for the mares not to give bits and (you)s to faggots who only pretend to love mares in the first place
that goes hand in hand with furfags, wont be long until they start throwing them around and I am fully expecting glory holes to drilled in the next one
No exaggeration was made, however it was simplified to get the point across better that it was managed by clowns, a friend of mine was at the auction and he felt disrespected for his work and efforts so even if it did not bother you it sure did others.

also one need to understand the background for this outing of marefair, it stems mainly from personal disagreements and the behavior of the staff. I hate liars and fakes and they got it in spades
Background Pony #348D
I must call shenanigans, good sir. It's impossible that there could have been eight furries there. If there'd been more than one they'd have already made gloryholes in the restroom walls. With eight they'd have been snorting rails of meth off each other's dicks in the hotel lobby.

Princess of Shitposting

there was at least 8 from my sources

Less than 1% of the total attendees.

furfags do not belong at a /mlp convention

What about the furries vs. bronies roast panel? Are we not allowed to have furries to bash them?

Putting the art off until the end was a mistake

They did that last year too. I assume they were probably trying to keep people around by putting the most desired items at the end, just like how grocery stores put milk and meat in the back so you have to walk past everything else first; inconvenient for the customers but good for sales.

having all of the banners sell early

Ironically, it was a banner that got the highest bid last year.
Medieval Community Collab -

@Background Pony #348D
kek count the lucky starts, they did apparently make group dances in the halls and squeaky sounds with their paws against the guests.

of the visible ones yes, having gained confidence they will return in greater numbers.
>"roast panel"
NO, but I could meet you half way with ponyfags vs furfag fight clubs in the hotel cellars, beating up the staff is every con goers dream.

I wonder how the swastika pictures are going to effect the next one

I'm sad that BABS is going out despite its grievances, it was the only con local to me. does anyone know how Everfree Northwest is? how's the presence?
Posted Report

Princess of Shitposting
I'm happy to hear that it isn't dead yet, but I also don't know anything about it other than the fact it exists.
I guess it's an option for us on the west coast, but I don't want to go through the effort of traveling to a foreign country just to attend a convention, and it would be harder to come up with a convincing alibi to tell my family than going to Seattle or San Francisco.
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