I remember ALL of those things, god help me. The Demented Cartoon Movie (was that the name?) was fantastic for something made in early flash.
That's some very interesting phrasing there.
I read a conversation about different generations being in different internet meme cultures earlier today, and that got me wondering. How far back do you go on the internet?
Do you remember being happy when the next episode of the Madness Combat, or earlier stick figure fight animations came out on newgrounds? Do you remember AlbinoBlackSheep memes? You're The Man Now, Dog? Azumanga Diaoh?
When did you culturally embed yourself in the internet, and how much of the internet over the years did you personally experience? I'm slowly thinking that either the type of one's experiences shapes their thought processes, or that certain cognition trends might be attracted to certain types of entertainment and ways of engaging with the culture around them. I don't know enough yet to guess.
P.S. Are rainbooru or manebooru still active anymore?