Keyboard Shortcuts


Early Adopter
I've managed to figure out a few keyboard shortcuts, and I was wondering if there was some place on the site where these shortcuts were posted.

[r] goes to a random image
[f] is the same as clicking the favourite button
[u] is the same as clicking the upvote buttom

[f] and [u] both work when just mousing over images in the search results page.

I don't know what the keyboard shortcut for downvoting images is, and I'm sure there are other commonly used shortcuts that I just don't know about.
Background Pony #72C5
Only ones I know about are [j] and [k] for next and previous page/image, on account of forgetting to select the tag edit form after tabbing back in far too many times. [L] also opens said form.

Given derpi's history with downvotes, I doubt a shortcut exists unless the alts add one.

Early Adopter
I've been trying to use them, but [j] and [k] don't seem to work at all. The page just seems to refresh itself when I update it.

What I'm trying to do is bring up an image and then hit the buttons to cycle through images. The buttons don't work when I got to the image via the watched images search, when they're in an artist tag, or when I've opened an image from a normal tagged search, like "smiling" as a search query.

They only seem to work when I open an image from the Global Image List.
Background Pony #72C5
It's still borked on this site for the image pages. One will take you to the oldest image in the search, and then it'll work completely fine, albeit not very usefully unless you were already near the end of your search.
Syntax quick reference: *bold* _italic_ [spoiler]hide text[/spoiler] @code@ +underline+ -strike- ^sup^ ~sub~