> Borg said:
> Stall by pretending to negotiate. Obviously you can't give up the Philospher's Stone, after all, without strong assurances that the Grootslang will leave in peace and that it won't use the Stone for terrible purposes. If nothing else I'm sure you could spend quite a bit of time on the question of how the Grootslang can prove it's giving you more than empty words.
You roll a 14 (required 10). Success!
In an attempt to stall for time, you decide to use the most powerful weapon you have: your charm.
With the Yggdrasil seed now hidden in your sidereal bag, you present your empty hooves to the grootslang, and smugly reveal that the jewel it seeks is gone. A large citrus eye squints at you suspiciously.
Grootslang: "I advise you against… testing my patience."
Taking on a more serious tone, you tell the grootslang that you have locked the jewel away in another dimension which only you can access. You then add that you will not retrieve it until you have proof that no harm will come to anypony.
Grootslang: "Puny creature. Let me remind you… that you are in no position… to make demands."
As the grootslang's tail prepares to smash the terrace upon which you stand, you hear a familiar commanding voice call out from behind it.
Sapphire Kite: "Now‼"
Before it has a chance to strike, magic beams of all colours blast the creature from behind. A deafening cry resounds through the cave while a dozen ponies rush out of the western tunnel with bows ready and horns alight.
Grootslang: "Aaargh! What trickery is this?!"
While arrows and magic bolts relentlessly assail the grootslang, you notice snowflakes flying about from the impacts, and ice slowly encasing its body. Then, a wide portal opens on the surface of the water below, pulling the giant snake's tail through.
You recognize some of the ponies standing at the distant cliff's edge, overlooking the battle; Crystal Charm, Starbolt, and in the centre of them all, Sapphire Kite. Now having the frozen creature's attention, the latter addresses it with such severity that even you feel intimidated.
Sapphire Kite: "Consider this a warning, snake! Next time, we will not be so merciful. Release‼"
With the signal given, the magic chains you summoned each begin to glow a different colour, then break and vanish, dropping the grootslang into a glowing void. The massive creature sinks with one last furious roar, before being pulled under completely.
The portal closes an instant later, echoes of the encounter resonating like a dissipating dream in the cave's renewed quietness.
After making sure that the danger has passed, the newcomers light their way to the side of the townsponies huddled by the collapsed entrance, while a select few continue past them to come check on your party.
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Next Page: >>2801809
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> Stall by pretending to negotiate. Obviously you can't give up the Philospher's Stone, after all, without strong assurances that the Grootslang will leave in peace and that it won't use the Stone for terrible purposes. If nothing else I'm sure you could spend quite a bit of time on the question of how the Grootslang can prove it's giving you more than empty words.
You roll a 14 (required 10). Success!
In an attempt to stall for time, you decide to use the most powerful weapon you have: your charm.
With the Yggdrasil seed now hidden in your sidereal bag, you present your empty hooves to the grootslang, and smugly reveal that the jewel it seeks is gone. A large citrus eye squints at you suspiciously.
Grootslang: "I advise you against… testing my patience."
Taking on a more serious tone, you tell the grootslang that you have locked the jewel away in another dimension which only you can access. You then add that you will not retrieve it until you have proof that no harm will come to anypony.
Grootslang: "Puny creature. Let me remind you… that you are in no position… to make demands."
As the grootslang's tail prepares to smash the terrace upon which you stand, you hear a familiar commanding voice call out from behind it.
Sapphire Kite: "Now‼"
Before it has a chance to strike, magic beams of all colours blast the creature from behind. A deafening cry resounds through the cave while a dozen ponies rush out of the western tunnel with bows ready and horns alight.
Grootslang: "Aaargh! What trickery is this?!"
While arrows and magic bolts relentlessly assail the grootslang, you notice snowflakes flying about from the impacts, and ice slowly encasing its body. Then, a wide portal opens on the surface of the water below, pulling the giant snake's tail through.
You recognize some of the ponies standing at the distant cliff's edge, overlooking the battle; Crystal Charm, Starbolt, and in the centre of them all, Sapphire Kite. Now having the frozen creature's attention, the latter addresses it with such severity that even you feel intimidated.
Sapphire Kite: "Consider this a warning, snake! Next time, we will not be so merciful. Release‼"
With the signal given, the magic chains you summoned each begin to glow a different colour, then break and vanish, dropping the grootslang into a glowing void. The massive creature sinks with one last furious roar, before being pulled under completely.
The portal closes an instant later, echoes of the encounter resonating like a dissipating dream in the cave's renewed quietness.
After making sure that the danger has passed, the newcomers light their way to the side of the townsponies huddled by the collapsed entrance, while a select few continue past them to come check on your party.
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Previous Page: >>2791332
Next Page: >>2801809
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