Thanks to everyone who contributed! In the end, we had a nice round 20 submissions. Special thanks to /bale/, who made the overwhelming majority of contributions, this collab would have turned out pretty meager without you guys. I'm sure not everyone will like the design I ultimately went with, but hey, this is a community collab, so why not make your own version?
I've placed all my assets into a Google Drive folder, if you would like to use them for your own picture:
The current collab thread on the forums can now be used for planning next year's one, if you have any ideas, be sure to leave them in the thread.
Holy fuck, that was a lot of tags.
not provided yet
weak bait
now i am happy
Nice! Thanks
Yes, DM me if you don't want badges. Or if you do want badges but different badges
Edit: this is Lotus. I did not switch back to my account and instead posted from Incognito mode
You have mental illness. Please get well soon!
you can't be serious, he's just Baiting right
Gee almost as if it's not a Ponybooru or a Furbooru 2023 community collaboration.
It only got 1 points on Ponybooru and Furbooru.

your current filter.You indeed are one. I'm proud you admitted it finally.
This guy hates mares!
You are right. It is a really wonderful collaboration.
@Background Pony #BDA6
well that's a bit disheartening