The user/artist/fan bashing thread

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Started by Background Pony #AA54
62 replies
Background Pony #F3D4
@Background Pony #87A5
All that cringe will be lost in time, like tears in rain…

Frankly I go just to meet people I already know (as well as just an excuse to get out of town), to be honest with you. If you don't have buddies to go hang out with then I don't see much of the appeal in going to cons when most of the panels suck, unless you reeeally want to go merch collecting.

Princess of Shitposting
@Background Pony #F3D4
Mare Fair ‘23 was my first (and so far, only) con.

to be honest with you. If you don't have buddies to go hang out with then I don't see much of the appeal in going to cons

That was my experience. I almost regretted going because I went alone. I plan on going again this year, but if my experiences aren’t significantly better this year I won’t return a third time because I don’t think it’s worth the time and the money unless it’s within driving distance.

I’m looking for other options closer to home, but there’s not a lot out west anymore. Do you recommend HarmonyCon? I’d like an excuse to visit Texas but I was kind of put off by their website.
Background Pony #F3D4
I can tell you I enjoyed my experiences there, but how much of that is merely the excitement of going someplace new and the social experience (i.e., meeting cool people, hanging out, browsing the merch hall together, etc.), compared to liking the event itself is hard to say. Especially considering I haven't been to other cons or events. The people I met who were prolific congoers seemed to agree that it was their preferred one compared to any others, but this was before MF so maybe some opinions changed. I can say that out of all the other cons I've heard talked about, Trotcon got shit on the most for being particularly autismic, apparently.

Personally, I've had a lot of fun, and Texas was great with a lot of nice locals who were surprisingly cool about roving packs of autists armed to the teeth with pony merch. I would recommend trying it, if it doesn't hurt your wallet too much at least, but I really can't say how fun it would be if you don't have a friend or two to go and socialize with, because there's going to be times where not much interesting is going on and spending time in my room alone sounds like the last thing I'd want to do.

Princess of Shitposting
@Background Pony #F3D4
If you’re a regular visitor on Ponerpics in the first place then you’d probably enjoy Mare Fair. And I think the small size and relative lack of VIP guests last year kept the focus on ponies, though I’m not sure if it will stay that way as it grows bigger and more popular. The only way to tell is to see what happens.

If you have the time and the money to go next year then do it (unless this year’s is a disaster…)

Texas was great with a lot of nice locals who were surprisingly cool about roving packs of autists armed to the teeth with pony merch.

Well, you were in Dallas, not in the boondocks. Orlando is like that too, given that it’s the Mecca for Disney Adults.

Should we start another thread to talk about about cons so we aren’t clogging up this one?
Background Pony #F3D4
Should we start another thread to talk about about cons so we aren’t clogging up this one?

If you'd like to, sure. I guess I figured that, this being a 2 year old thread with 50 replies, we aren't hurting much, but no reason not to start a new one in case other people would want a place for it.

@Background Pony #DBA4
Such is life…
Background Pony #AA54
This Briarlight will throw a fit with any artist doing a white Misty or even her cornrow hair wrong. And that's even if the artist has NO skill drawing such complex hair deludedly believing it's "easy" or if it's the commissioner's order and will to specifically make her fair. She already attacked and caused drama to Andy Price, our beloved and well-respected official artist. And even after all that deludedly believes he "deserved it". Overprivileged hypocrite.
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