@MassiveAutist 8moe has just one theoretically smol hoers related thread in its /fur/ board, but it got one post last month, and prior to that hadn't had anything posted in it in about three years. I am not sure whether there's even anything in it worth looking at. Because it's a furry board, just about every thread there is at least half loli content. Which is why I don't go to 8moe any more either. I don't want to look at that shit and I don't want to talk to people who do.
@Background Pony #4612 I grasp that pedos are everywhere. I avoid content that I dislike. There are places where it becomes impossible to avoid it. I stopped going to 4chan because every thread I'd look at would have people spamming lolis, with all the toddler enthusiasts copying and pasting CUNNY SO EROTIC UOOOOOOOOOOOOH EIGHT IS TOO LATE UOOOOOH YEAH SO SEXY UOOOOOH, etc. In a sane society these people would be getting a visit from the FBI, but that's not within my power. I decided that I don't want to spend time in places where that kind of behavior is normal. I've just about given up on chan-type imageboards altogether.