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idk what to put here
My personal favorite meme from that time period is the Awesome Face. I remember doodling this face a lot back when I was still in school.
Medieval Community Collab -

kek it's not so bad, together with your pfp it gives that early 2010 meme vibes.
that really was big back in the day. rage face, troll dad, me gusta and so on, mostly dead and replaced with soyjaks now

idk what to put here
I honestly wish I choose a different username when I was 16. I'm not really a big fan of "AwesomeBrony" yet I'm stuck with it because my dumbass decided to watermark a lot of my work.
Medieval Community Collab -

the nazi drug "cocktail" I never bothered looking up on but they did a lot of experimentation so it sounds plausible,
>caffeine 'n crack
normies do alot to try feed the void a mare could fill so easily, its sad but what can ya do

I think boys should roam around the country side and become men rather then acting like niggers in the streets
>fatherless behavior

you talk funny, a bit scatter minded but I like it

Underground Metal-Head
Funny thing about the nazis is they were all jacked up on meth, and that stuff came from Japan.

The new nazis tend to prefer caffeine, Starbucks plans to charge people for being in their store so they're about to find other places to dominate.

Fact on top of fact it's funny that I was right about those video game makers being on crack.

And the foreigners? They get the privilege of arriving here with a higher education without enduring our emasculated school systems, one way or another boys are gonna be boys.
Showing results 1 - 25 of 217 total

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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