Participate in the 2024 PonerPics Community Colab Deadline is August 31st. See the thread here

What's your view of the different Booru sites?

Background Pony #12D1
derpibooru — dumpster fire, shit onion service which requires an account ruining the whole point of using it, DNP, shitty rules, censored as fuck with no transparency, everything violates rule #0 and rule #3. Shit Tier.
ponybooru — will be a dumpster fire, no onion service, DNP, content not imported until next day, site rules similar to derpibooru but thread exists for why comments were removed, not cuckflared (for now). Low Tier.
twibooru — best default filters, no commenting by default, no onion service, no DNP. Mid Tier.
ponerpics — trash default filters (not as bad as derpi or pony but why the fuck didn't they just spoiler grimdark and questionable), no onion service, content imported immediately, no DNP, better site rules. Mid Tier. Could be Top Tier if we had a better global filters to choose from and an onion service (one that, unlike Derpibooru's, allows anonymous posting and commenting).

all others are shit. Manebooru can kill itself.

@Background Pony #12D1
What would be some better default filters around here?

Any other resaons why Rainbooru is shite other than using different software and looking weird?

RE: Twibooru's lack of comments, I'm very glad it exists. It would be disappointing if every booru had no idiot box for us to shout into, but I'm glad at least one is all art and no community. My biggest beef with Derpi is that deleting an image also wipes the comments. A clopfic in the comments should not be yote merely because the artist had a hissy and wanted to pretend they never drew clop.

IMO, the best analogs to Derpi and Ponybooru are Reddit and Ruqqus, respectively.
Background Pony #4D53
Spoiler questionable, block explicit, either spoiler or block grotesque, don't filter anything else. At least make that a filter to choose from so I don't have to create an account.

Only other suggestion I have for Ponerpics is to create an onion service. Derpi has one but it doesn't even let you do anything without logging into an account you created on clearnet. If you're going to make an onion service, allow anonymous viewing, commenting, and posting.

If Derpi is reddit and Ponybooru is ruqqus, what would Ponerpics be? Saidit?

Some of us don't mind squeaky clean default filters. Anons can always get an account, and it takes out the majority of the reactionary ragefags.
Background Pony #12D1
Does anyone know of any booru sites with an onion (Tor) service? Derpibooru has one but it's shit because you can't even do anything without creating an account on clearnet first, which pretty much ruins the whole point of using onions.
Background Pony #12D1
@Soft Lava
You are spreading FUD. This is a honeypot. Tor is an anonymity network. You're probably just a VPN user who thinks that using NordVPN will make you anonymous and were bought into the lies that Tor is dangerous because VPN providers and all their sponsors hate Tor, while in fact, VPNs are much more dangerous than Tor because they are centralized and your VPN provider is probably selling your browsing history back to your ISP. You call Tor a honeypot but you haven't even explained anything. The way I see it, you're just some sad fuck who was scared into not using Tor or anything anonymous.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

@Background Pony #12D1
I am so hurt I forgot how to talk. I will go bury myself underground to avoid your wrath, scary man. In the meantime, try to fit this in your brain.

TOR was developed & owned by La Sia, FBI, MI5/6. You do not have privacy on TOR. They control almost every single entry and usage node.
Background Pony #12D1
@Soft Lava

Tor isn't developed and owned by the FBI. It's developed by a non-profit organization. The article you linked to is FUD. Clearly he wants to scare you into not using Tor. The entry and usage nodes are spread throughout the world and it'd be near impossible for a single entity to control them all. Even if they controlled some of them, it's not likely you'd be connecting to the nodes they control. Tor is decentralized, VPNs are not. You think VPNs are more secure because they're paid for but ignore the fact that a single entity is controlling every one of that VPN's servers. You'd have to blindly trust the provider not to log and share your data.

Your ISP controls all of it's servers. VPN providers control all of their servers. Tor nodes are controlled by many different people, and even if a single entity controlled 75% of them, there's still a 25% chance they won't be controlling the nodes you've connected to. Clearly you think everything is a honeypot.

You have far more privacy and anonymity on Tor than any VPN provider. Tor is much harder to break, and even if it could be broken, so can every fucking VPN, because VPNs are much easier to compromise than Tor. Fuck all of them have probably been compromised by now. You're much better off using Tor than a VPN or nothing at all.

Fuck you might as well say that Windows is FAR more private than Linux when it has been proven that Microsoft spies on you and Windows isn't private at all. If you're really concerned, light all of your devices on fire and never go on the internet.
Background Pony #12D1
@Soft Lava
Why don't you actually try refuting the points I gave instead of trying to give out terrible "insults". Or maybe you just don't want to admit that you're wrong, coward.
Background Pony #12D1
The actual paranoid faggot is the guy who called Tor a honeypot because he's a cancerous muslim who thinks he can troll me epic style. Back to Derpi Faggotbooru, autistic nigger.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

Naive fool. You're just like Terry Davis. It took him great lengths to outsmart the CIA niggers but he failed to see the real threat hiding from the comfort of the shadows — muslim niggers. No wonder you are always anonymous. You know the truth and muslim niggers are pressing you from every corner.

We are the muslim niggers.

Site Assistant
Hopeful Pioneer
@Background Pony #12D1
This is way off-topic but I'll throw in my two cents here. Claiming that "all of them have probably been compromised" is a hypothetical that may or may not be true. This is almost certainly true for free VPNs, which need some sort of revenue source, but it conflicts with the main revenue of paid VPNs. All it takes is a leak or revelation from a provider such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN for its customers to bail en masse as no one would trust it anymore. Yes it's a system based on "blind trust" but this trust is very profitable. A free service such as a shifty VPN or TOR is much more likely to sell your information for a quick buck. In any case you're more likely to be better off paying for a VPN than not, if privacy is your priority.
2023 Collab -

Site Assistant
@Background Pony #DDF5
I see two approaches and I know no one should trust TOR or VPN. Even if you use a hardened throaway gentoo/tails, with custom screen resolution there will always be one exploit left, given you have an army of professionals running scripts ( literally the government does that, the PHAROS platform here in France, the NSA, the FBI, Eurogendfor… ) that's their job. With more or less success. An autist with enough determination can also work hard and find ways to identify you on the internet, maybe you forgot to turn off Flash (showing your real IP) or post from a similar location, same language, or even do the silly mistake to post an avatar or a photo in JPEG that contains the EXIF data and signature of your camera or editing software.

Now FB, Twitter and major big sites makes it impossible to run without allowing all scripts or plugins or having a slightly secure but outdated browser.

@Background Pony #12D1
Depends of the version, Windows 10 is insecure but for searching and digging, there was some telemetry on Windows 7 that can be removed and uninstalled, through GPEDit and some registry manipulations to fully disable and uninstall WU and other services. At this point really just dual boot Windows/Linux and boot on Linux when you need to, Or use it on a spare machine, so you can run both.

It's a WIP. Raindev is quite busy, same with myself and I'm already on several projects, but when we all have free time to play with ; could be intresting to test some stuff there, but basically it's still in development. Just keep in mind it started from scratch as well.
Background Pony #DDF5
@Background Pony #DDF5
I see two approaches and I know no one should trust TOR or VPN. Even if you use a hardened throaway gentoo/tails, with custom screen resolution there will always be one exploit left, given you have an army of professionals running scripts ( literally the government does that, the PHAROS platform here in France, the NSA, the FBI, Eurogendfor… ) that's their job. With more or less success. An autist with enough determination can also work hard and find ways to identify you on the internet, maybe you forgot to turn off Flash (showing your real IP) or post from a similar location, same language, or even do the silly mistake to post an avatar or a photo in JPEG that contains the EXIF data and signature of your camera or editing software.

Now FB, Twitter and major big sites makes it impossible to run without allowing all scripts or plugins or having a slightly secure but outdated browser.

You shouldn't trust your ISP either. At least with Tor you're connecting to three separate nodes, entry nodes which know who you are but not what you're doing, and exit nodes which know what you're doing but not who you are. Since many Tor nodes are ran by volunteers spread across the world, it's a difficult task for governments to control them all and deanonymize Tor. Besides, I'm pretty sure some governments like the US use Tor for their activities, and if they tried to break what they use, then they could be identfied much easier. VPNs are completely centralized so you'd have to trust your VPN provider not to fuck with your traffic. It's true that nobody can be completely anonymous, even if they use Whonix, inside a QubesOS VM, with all Javascript disabled, connecting only to public wi-fi, using a Coreboot or Libreboot Thinkpad, there will always be some way to identify you, but shouldn't we try to make it harder? If you can't trust Tor, what makes you think you're safe behind a VPN?

I'm going to leave off with some advice. Obviously off-topic, but this thread is already a dumpster fire. They never answered my original question if any boorus had onion services.
1. Use Tor. It's better than using nothing at all or even a VPN. If for some reason Tor was compromised and no longer an option, we'd just find another darknet, like I2P, or freenet. The Tor project only recommends using Tor Browser, though Links might work since it can mimic Tor's user-agent and doesn't support javascript or CSS (and in text mode, doesn't support any graphics).
2. Buy a Thinkpad if you can. Any old model will do, preferably an older one because the new ones are trash. Install Coreboot or Libreboot (preferably Coreboot), disable Intel ME.
3. Install a Linux distro. Whonix is preferred for anonymity, but isn't suitable for daily use. Use a distro that doesn't use systemd. Devuan is good for most people.
4. If you don't want to use Tor, use Firefox with this user.js. Set your search engine to a good Searx instance. Install either uMatrix (unmaintained but still works, can block anything on a per-site basis) or uBlock Origin (much easier to use) and use that to disable JavaScript.

@Background Pony #12D1
Depends of the version, Windows 10 is insecure but for searching and digging, there was some telemetry on Windows 7 that can be removed and uninstalled, through GPEDit and some registry manipulations to fully disable and uninstall WU and other services. At this point really just dual boot Windows/Linux and boot on Linux when you need to, Or use it on a spare machine, so you can run both.

Linux is actually less secure than Windows, though the site I linked to focuses only on security and not privacy/anonymity. In terms of privacy, Windows 10 is spyware, most Linux distros are not.
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