Background Pony #2093
It isn't copium when we notice all the suburban goodthinker Republicans tripping over their own giant clown shoes running to embrace MuH bAsEd LgBtOmGwTfBbQz and MuH bAsEd CoLoReD fOlK and MuH bAsEd UnDoCuMeNtEd MiGrAnTs and virtue-signal about how not-racist and not-bigoted they are, then find Antifa goons with guns and knives trying to pry open their windows anyway, like a certain "cOnSeRvAtIve CuLtUrE wArRiOr" Supreme Court justice just a few days ago. He seems to have thought signing off on a sham election and appeasing the mob would keep him and his family safe.
I offer the historical observation that trying to appease people who aren't hiding the fact that they despise us, talk openly about what they want to do to us, and only refrain from putting us in a gulag because they haven't fully consolidated power, has never worked out well. Ever. Anywhere. In all of recorded history. But it's human nature to want to believe our enemies are reasonable and debating in good faith, just like we are, and it's human nature to think it can be different this time.
I have said it elsewhere. "Live and let live" is over. It's the thinking that got us here. It can never endure because it defies and denies human nature. In the end someone will rule and someone will bow. We keep choosing not to pick a side because we want to believe in MuH cOnStItUtIoN and MuH uH-mErRiCaN eXcEpTiOnAlIsM and mUh MaGiC dIrT, right up until we're having this conversation in the barracks of a lead mine in Alaska in order to avoid wondering out loud how many "right-wing extremists" are going to get dragged out and shot in the morning for "hatespeech" and "spreading dangerous misinformation during the emergency" and how we'll make the production quota without them.
It isn't copium when we notice all the suburban goodthinker Republicans tripping over their own giant clown shoes running to embrace MuH bAsEd LgBtOmGwTfBbQz and MuH bAsEd CoLoReD fOlK and MuH bAsEd UnDoCuMeNtEd MiGrAnTs and virtue-signal about how not-racist and not-bigoted they are, then find Antifa goons with guns and knives trying to pry open their windows anyway, like a certain "cOnSeRvAtIve CuLtUrE wArRiOr" Supreme Court justice just a few days ago. He seems to have thought signing off on a sham election and appeasing the mob would keep him and his family safe.
I offer the historical observation that trying to appease people who aren't hiding the fact that they despise us, talk openly about what they want to do to us, and only refrain from putting us in a gulag because they haven't fully consolidated power, has never worked out well. Ever. Anywhere. In all of recorded history. But it's human nature to want to believe our enemies are reasonable and debating in good faith, just like we are, and it's human nature to think it can be different this time.
I have said it elsewhere. "Live and let live" is over. It's the thinking that got us here. It can never endure because it defies and denies human nature. In the end someone will rule and someone will bow. We keep choosing not to pick a side because we want to believe in MuH cOnStItUtIoN and MuH uH-mErRiCaN eXcEpTiOnAlIsM and mUh MaGiC dIrT, right up until we're having this conversation in the barracks of a lead mine in Alaska in order to avoid wondering out loud how many "right-wing extremists" are going to get dragged out and shot in the morning for "hatespeech" and "spreading dangerous misinformation during the emergency" and how we'll make the production quota without them.