@Lotus Huh. Didn't know bugfags were that significant of a group.
So, I have a question that's tangentially related to the bulk importer script you gave a mega link to: How people get a list of the image IDs for the images in my account's favourites or upvotes?
I have a workaround for myself, but it uses no less than 3 programs, one of which is paid software:
1. I use the Derpibooru downloader,
2. download all the images from my:faves,
3. save only the Json file,
4. save the Json to a new folder,
5. set the name format for the Json file to {id} (meaning I delete the ".json" extension after the {id} that shows up by default
6. Follow the instructions in my file manager
here [link] to print a list of all the files in a directory.
7. Realize that I screwed up, then go back and exit the format of the printed file list and make it so it's just a listing of the name of the file, ignoring the extension, file size, and other date.
8. Print the list to the clipboard, then paste the clipboard list into the Derpibooru bulk importer.
Edit: I assume the Derpibooru Bulk Importer program or the boorus themselves has some way to check whether the image file is already on there, right? Because I'd hate to import over ten thousand images and have half of them be duplicate files on the site.