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Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

I'm not sure if the colt character was named Shutterbug or Rash Endeavor, since it was clearly aliased for a reason. Though, there are no signs of "mlp rash endeavor" anywhere on the internet, and Shutterbug is already Chrysalis, I think it's to remove the alias then fix the tags? Basically I think Shutterbug (Crackle Cosette) and Rash Endeavor (colt) is not the same character, that somehow got alias together.
Potat - A master in the art of Shitposting

Freckle Inspector
i think that means fixing it would be going through the shutterbug tag and removing it from chrysalis images, replacing it with the other name
rather than aliasing i mean
Auti.. Artist - drawer of mare

>this one is extremely confusing. which one is the actual name for that chrysalis form? is shutterbug the name of another character too? and who the heck is endeavor?
I never new about the Shutterbug tag until a friend of mine referred to Crackle Cosette (the name I always goes with Chrysalis in that form) as that, Rash Endeavor is alias under Shutterbug too so I figured why not. Though after doing some digging, Shutterbug is in fact, another character. I think people picked up the name "Shutterbug" for Chrysalis' paparazzi disguise form through the fandom wiki (my friend got the name from there). As for Crackle Cosette, I was looking through the boorus for cute maers and found her.
Potat - A master in the art of Shitposting

Freckle Inspector
>Shutterbug and Rash Endeavor aliases under Crackle Cosette.
this one is extremely confusing. which one is the actual name for that chrysalis form? is shutterbug the name of another character too? and who the heck is endeavor?
I'm not sure what needs done here.

>Amy-Gamy who sometimes gets tagged with Ami-Gami.
Background Pony #831C
FWIW I believe we should be mass-importing over the aliases/implications. I actively post many suggestions over on derpi with the expectation that it'll eventually make its way over here and lessen the workload. Only notable thing that'd need an exemption is the php artist tags and maybe some that need to be pointed out like jpeg and oc only as @Background Pony #A73A mentioned.

searching for artist:perrox, artist:perro, artist:perrolo111 should return results for artist:public mistake.

Perro is the name he's going by on twitter, pillowfort, etc

artist:louvely, artist:mistresslouvely should return results for artist:lou
Showing results 101 - 125 of 139 total

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