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Early Adopter
What? This is an art site, and this is a thread about how lighting affects how art looks. In what possible way does that seem unreasonable, or something to be insulted?

What the hell are you talking about regarding an "unreachable project of aiding your artistic dysphoria"? If your reading comprehension is such that you ended up with the impression that I wanted to draw pictures that were lighting studies, then I think you've got some issues.

Frankly, I find you rude, and with no justification for your rudeness.

Early Adopter
I think this one is about Lighting. It might have something to do with colour gradients, I don't study ways to describe this sort of stuff.

I was browsing, and stumbled on and . It looks like the first one is received better than the second one, even though the second one doesn't really seem much lower in quality.

There's something about the shading by the shoulder and the arms where adding additional steps makes it more interesting.

Looking at the differences in how changing the lighting and shadows of an image makes a big difference here, I'm interested in looking at some more images that show this difference. Seeing different lighting on the same image is neat, but I'm not yet able to easily visualize how different light sources of different colours, using direct or diffuse rays, or having it's colours change depending on interference with other light sources would actually change the end result. I can see that there's a different vibe, but I can't quite put into words why. Aside from the lighting error of that area of relative darkness between her nose and the bookcase / forearm, a lot of it looks pretty good to my eye.

Can someone who knows comment a bit more on how lighting changes things about the image when other factors are kept more or less constant?
How hard is it to do different lighting directions on a body?
How do you decide the lighting of an image, and at what point?
Do you know of similar sequences of images that are a similar study in lighting?
What about individual images that are specifically great at showing off lighting technique, or that do it to evoke very specific or very clear and direct vibes?

Thank you for your time.
Posted Report
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