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Background Pony #F974
@Soft Lava
1. Friendliness, regardless of how hard they try to bury it. Looking at you, Harshwhinny.
2. Objective cuteness.
Two qualities because fuck you :')
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

There are now 800 users on the site. Here's a toast to ponerpics: let's drink to our future, to our integrity from derpibooru and to our fan art of Leslie. To new heights, gentlemen!

Early Adopter
1. One of the worst varieties of anthro.
2. OC x OC Shipping.
3. Clearly a self-insert wish fulfillment scene. You keep that shit quiet and hidden from the public
4. It's just not drawn very well.
5. The pointy ears, hair patterns, and tail geometry clearly indicate that this is drawn by a furry artist who doesn't really have a concept of humanized pony conventions.
6. It's not really pony related. Closer to being furry than anything.

Would you like me to go on? I can't say much about Ponybooru, but these are some of the observations and reasons it might not be the best received over here.

Early Adopter
@Background Pony #DC03
Why are you saying that SoftLava shouldn't clean his computer? It sounds like dust is seriously screwing with his computer's ability to pass enough air through it to cool it effectively. You want the generated waste heat out in the environment, not trapped in the laptop cooking it's insides.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

One thing that strikes me kind of peculirar is that this exact day could be Lotus's DAMN birthday and nobody would even know about it.

Here's my shout out to you, my shadow popper. Keep risin' to the top, sun.

Early Adopter
Clearing the dust will make it more effective at transferring the heat from it's components to your room/bed. Depending on the model of laptop, taking it apart to clean it might be a pain in the neck, but I think it's worth it. It should feel almost like new.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

speking of my laptop, I like to work on it in bed since it warms me up, especially if its under the blanket. In cold russian winter it's very nessesary to have a heater so to speak and the cooling laptop is suitable to fulfil that purpose.

Early Adopter
Ah, a family cake recipe. I was starting to wonder why you were talking about bananas dipped into strange things.

As for the laptop thing, I'd imagine that a desktop PC would be easier to maintain. There's much more airflow in it, which would probably translate into not freezing shut at night. If you don't really need the portability of a laptop, then I think it might be worth looking in to getting a desktop after your laptop eventually dies.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

@Background Pony #5372
Nice to know, fren. Great to have you around!

Don't put banana in ranch though. Just sour cream is fine. Back in russia we have a family cake recipe that includes mixing up 5 shredded bananas with sour cream, adding sugar, then using this substance as cake's frosting, spreading it in between layers evenly, while adding kiwi slices on top for more flavour. This is much more favourable than "holodetz" or russian dumplings.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

Damn. This thread is so dead, it reminds me of my deleted twitter page, where it was just me, the autist, sharing thoughts noone will read.


I think a human who goes under the name "porter" (assuming he's one) does a very good job at importing pics from derpibooru. However, I wonder if importing some of those images is really that nessesary, considering a fair amount of it is shit. I am all for integrity and freedom of speech, but it's just shit, dude. Like, come on. I can understand importing a hand drawn art or a vector but if it's just a screencap with text you really can just ignore it. assuming you are not a bot, you won't be able to import every single art that is dumped on derpibooru. It's just a basic human factor. So what about applying some kind of quality control, that prohibits some REALLY REALLY low quality "art"?

Either way, it's just something on my mind, not a real complaint or anything. It takes balls to take such a responsibility and it's more than welcome from my point of view.
Soft Lava
Marenheit Contributor - This little pony contributed to the Marenheit fundraiser of 2020
Auti.. Artist -

It just got to -40°C/-104°F in my lovely russian town. Not only when I woke up I can't feel anything below my knees, when I boot up my laptop it makes an elephant roar for at least 30 seconds. Turns out the dust on a coolng fan turns to ice every night. Just great…

You should live closer to an equator. Take it from me, folks.
Showing results 276 - 300 of 302 total

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